
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Week in Review (4)

Random Thoughts
I did a bit better in blogging more than once this week, but everything is still a bit sporadic... We have a snowstorm headed this way so hopefully I will get some to read while hiding from the snow... We may not even get what they are calling for... Maybe Mackie will be able to run around and play in the snow a bit. I have been looking forward to that. I want him to really get to appreciate it before he is a dog instead of a puppy. He definitely has a lot of energy that it would burn off! 

Graphic Novel Year

Part of the reason that my reading has quieted down is because I am saving the rest of the graphic novels I really want to read for February because that is Graphic Novel Month. I also don't want to read so many that I get burned out!


I finished Clean Sweep by Ilona Andrews. That means I finished two audiobooks in January. Yay! I have since moved on to The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy. How have I never read this before now??? It is so my series and I am so excited!

Currently Reading

I am not sure... I sort of have been starting things and then putting them aside. We will see what sticks!

Weekly Reading

(January 20, 2015) - Read a standalone, I thought... Enjoy it and find out it is a series is what happens. Oh, well, it was enjoyable and I may like the main character, Dina, better than Kate Daniels. But then, I have only read one book in the Kate Daniels series. 

(January 23, 2015) - I love Patricia McKillip and even reviewed this one.

Weekly Posts

New Additions

Thanks to Amanda I got these audiobooks really cheap...

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater


  1. Yeah, I don't think we're supposed to get that much here -- not like New England or New York. But I'm hoping for you that you get a ton...just so you can read and your dog can play in the snow. :)

  2. You may have to start all those graphic novels a week early if you get the snow they are worried about!

  3. I'm so looking forward to Comics in February as well! And stay warm--that storm looks nasty.

  4. I need more Patricia McKillip in my life.

  5. I hope you enjoy your new audio books--I love this series!

  6. I hope you got enough snow to be enjoyable, but not so much as to be inconvenient :) And enjoy all those new audio books!

  7. I heard Stiefvater read from The Ravens Boy at a book festival a while back, and it sounded really good. Enjoy!

  8. How much snow did you end up getting? Did Mackie get to play around in it? I love dogs in snow. It never fails to make me laugh.

  9. I'm looking forward to see what you end up reading for Comics February! :-)

  10. did you get a lot of snow? puppies and snow are the BEST! Hope he had fun

  11. I hope you get in some reading time.


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