
Monday, February 09, 2015

Week in Review (6) - I Have Been...

Another week of only one read... But, so far this week I have read 3. Hopefully next week's recap will be more interesting! For this week, though, I read Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. Finally!

Writing... Well, I wrote a Week in Review post last week and then wrapped up my January in reading. Not a terrible week of blogging.

Reading... The only book I actually finished last week was Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. The rest of the week was taken up with trying to find time to read Cress. I think I partly read it a bit slower because of time constraints but also because I am not used to reading three books in a row by the same author. (Ended up being four because I read Fairest on Sunday, but that counts for next week...)

Listening... I am still making my way through The Hero's Guide to Saving your Kingdom. It would be nice to finish that today or tomorrow. I have been slacking. Not sure what will be up next... I have no shortage of things to choose from! I also have been managing to keep up with the Books on the Nightstand podcast. I would like to branch out to more, but I have a hard time keeping up with one.

Looking... At a winter wonderland. We had three storms in a row, so we have a lot of snow at the moment. And, it has been cold so what we have is not diminishing. This is mainly a problem because we are running out of places to put the snow. We were supposed to have a storm tomorrow, but the latest weather reports haven't mentioned it again. 

Learning... About new temptations online. I really want to get Marvel Unlimited, but the U.S. dollar is kicking the Canadian dollars butt right now. Instead I got Scribd free for two months. I have been avoiding the site, but I actually think that a site where I can just download whatever instead of buying e-books separately will actually work better for me. It might be a subscription I keep... We will see!

Anticipating... A reading day. My work computer is broken, so I basically have to wait around for a tech person to call me today. I have decided that since it is turning out to be a day off, I am going to read. I started Silently and Very Fast by Catherynne Valente this morning, but I am not sure if I really like it... I just wanted something short and not part of a series. I think I will read a couple standalone books and then tackle another series.

Loving... How many ways there are to read nowadays. I remember when I used to have go to the bookstore or the library to get a new book. Then, I remember the whole idea of ordering online and the fun that I had with that. (And continue to!) And then, the world exploded... The library is online, there are e-books, there are sites like Scribd where you can read tonnes of books, there is Audible for audiobooks... The list goes on! With all the opportunities there is no reason why I should have quiet reading years!


  1. The East Coast is definitely getting the brunt end of this winter. I believe it is snowing again right now, if my Twitter feed is accurate. Stay warm and good luck weathering yet more snow!

    Isn't it amazing? I do love technology. It brings people closer together but it also does wonders for breaking down barriers, especially to access to books.

    Have a great week!

  2. Looking at pictures of these storms is amazing--can't imagine running out of places to shovel the snow! Beautiful to look at, but must be a trial to experience.

  3. I so love the many ways of getting books that the world offers these days! I have never suffered for lack of books in my life (knock wood), but the bounty of ways open to me now is just amazing. I am happy about it every day.

  4. I rarely read books by the same author back-to-back either. Even if it's an author I love, I just want a bit of a break. Anyway, enjoy the unexpected day off and keep warm! We are having quite the warm start to the week - I think we'll reach 70 something today. Wow.

  5. I so agree about how wonderful it is having so many ways to acquire and read books these days. We're so fortunate.

    Stay warm and safe.

  6. I'm really enjoying Marissa Meyer's series. I hadn't realized Fairest is out -- just requested it from the library!

  7. I need a reading day, too! If it wasn't for audiobooks, I would be going nuts. Life is busy lately!

    We haven't had hardly any snow this winter so far, and now it's rainy and in the high 40s. I'm afraid to get my hopes up that this is the end of winter, though - snow has wrecked more than one Easter in our neck of the woods!

  8. I really, really need to finally read Cinder and get it off of my shelves already. I know I will enjoy it when I finally do. I feel for you with all of that snow. I am so ready for spring!! Have a great week!

  9. I really need to the Cinder series, too. I was looking at Oyster but it's not available to Canadians - I hadn't realized Scribd was! I'll definitely have to check it out. And you're so right about technology - so many things to read! I wish I'd had this abundance of books when I was a kid. I can remember many a boring summer day when library day was still a few days away but I'd finished all my books.

  10. I haven't gotten to Cinder yet ... but will do soonish I hope. I wasn't thrilled with the MU app, but maybe I'll give it another try.

  11. I can't believe I haven't read Cinder yet... I'm so behind! It says a lot though, that you went through all four books so fast!
    I see you are reading Midnight Never Come. It's been sitting on my shelves for a while, so I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it!

  12. I feel pretty lucky that Minnesota has had such a mild winter. We had a few early storms, but lately it's been pretty warm and most of the snow has melted. It's very strange! That said, we have super cold wind chill warnings tonight... so winter is clearly not over!

    I got the first book in the Marissa Meyer series as an ebook, but haven't "cracked the spine" just yet.

  13. I don't know much about Scribed, may check it out. Have been curious about The Lunar Chronicles.


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