
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week in Review (7)

Random Thoughts

So, this last week I had one of the best reading weeks I have had in a VERY long time. The books/comics were mostly on the shorter side, but I don't care. I was so excited and it made for a fun week of reading. I joined Scribd and have had so much fun browsing! It is so nice, especially in the winter, to have a library at your fingertips that you don't have to go anywhere for. It also gives me a chance to read lots of books that I want to read and just haven't got around to getting a copy of yet.

Graphic Novel Year


Okay, I totally neglected audiobooks lately because I have been actually READING! Need to get back to them...

Currently Reading

I am not sure. I have sort of been too busy to read the last couple days, so I haven't really sat down with anything. Hopefully tonight!

Weekly Reading

(February 8, 2015) - I even reviewed this here.

(February 8, 2015) - I reviewed this one as well here.

(February 8, 2015) - Finally! I am not sure if I even knew what this was about, but I have seen it around and wanted to check it. It was good! And it included dogs!

(February 9, 2015) - I loved this! I am so happy I finally read it. I love fairy tale re-tellings! I have had it out from the library before but just never got around to it.

(February 10, 2015) - I got this because Memory had it on her best of list for 2014. It was a little different from my normal reading, but fairy tale retelling! And once you sat down with it, page turner! So glad I grabbed a copy!

(February 10, 2015) - Andi mentioned this when I was looking for some new graphic novels. (Not that I needed any...) Anyway, Scribd added graphic novels this week (best time to join) and this was one of them. And, it was so good!!

(February 10, 2015) - Memory recommended this one and I have always wanted to get into X-Men. This seemed like as good a place as any to start. I really liked it!

(February 11, 2015) - I love Fiona Staples so I was curious about this one. Another Scribd addition. I really liked it, actually. I wasn't entirely sure what it was even about, but I definitely would like to read more. I am not sure if there is even more...

(February 12, 2015) - There are 15 Volumes of this on Scribd and I figured it was as good as place to start as any... The first volume was good! It is sort of a retelling of the original story from what I can tell? I haven't read enough X-Men to know for sure, though.

(February 12, 2015)  - Yay! Jeff Lemire! I really like him and I was so happy to see this on Scribd. It was really good, like he always is, and I was so happy it took place in Nova Scotia and on the coast of it.

(February 12, 2015) - I totally read this for the title... I have been meaning to read the author anyway, but this came up when I was looking for something else and I was curious. It was good! A collection of short stories that will make you think.

(February 12, 2015) - I have always wanted to read Ayn Rand but was kind of scared of her... This was a bit shorter work by her that I consider a good introduction. I really liked it and am not less nervous about trying some of her longer works.

(February 12, 2015) - I kind of goofed with this book. I think it works better if you don't read it and then set it aside for a bit... I didn't think I was going to like it at all, but by the end it was really good. I think I need to reread it and not set it aside partway through.

Weekly Posts

New Additions

Nothing! Amazingly!


  1. The Lunar Chronicles is on my wishlist as is Hyperbole and a Half. Her blog was so awesome when she was regularly posting. She had a Christmas story that literally made me laugh until I cried. I've been wanting to read the book forever though I have heard mention that it deals with some heavier stuff. Have a great week!

  2. Wow! You had a GREAT week of reading!! I am adding some of these graphic novels to my TBR list as I am participating in a graphic novel challenge this year and haven't read any yet. I need to work on that soon! I hope that your good reading streak continues! Have a great week :)

  3. Wow, look at all that reading. I need to check out Scribd but I am scared - haha... Hope you have another great week ahead.

  4. I am definitely going to have to read all these graphic novels on Scribd while my trial period lasts (and thanks for your link, btw!)! I'm still not too sure whether I will keep subscribing after the trial period ends - my library has a really good ebook collection but of course there is always a hold on anything I want. Scribd does mean instant gratification, and it's probably worth it. I have Marvel Unlimited too and am not using it as much as I should!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow! I'm adding several of these to my reading list.

  7. Wow, you did have a great week!!

  8. I am glad you had such a good week of reading, Kelly! I've been neglecting my audiobook for print books too. I was just so happy to have time to actually sit down and read over the long weekend.

    My husband loved Hyperbole and a Half. I must give it a try one of these days.

    Have a great week!

  9. The Ultimate universe is basically an alternate universe from the "usual Marvel universe" continuity. Some of the characters are different people or they have different personalities or life circumstances than their regular universe counterpart. Apparently Marvel is shaking up the regular universe continuity in the next little bit so I am not sure what that means for the Ultimates universe. So much to keep track of!


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