
Friday, March 20, 2015

Because It's All About the Books...


Is that all ready a parody?

I tend to have obsessive moments... When I first re-joined the library in 2009 I read tonnes from the library and that lead to my best reading year ever. It was also the year my obsession with graphic novels started because I read Fables in 2009.

Fast forward to 2015... I hardly read in 2013 or 2014. But, 2015 I added some new 'toys' and it is sort of like 2009 all over again.

Firstly, I joined Scribd. Since joining my reading has increased insanely and I have read so much awesome stuff! (*cough* Counting single issues, 56 things apparently!*cough*)
I started with Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu. I loved this book! And, I just keep on finding awesome things on there!

If you want some suggestions, I recommend:
March: Book 1 by John Robert Lewis (Graphic Novel)
The Mystery Society by Steve Niles (Graphic Novel)
Anthem by Ayn Rand (Novella)
The Underwater Welder by Jeff Lemire (Graphic Novel)
The Woods by James Tynion IV (Graphic Novel)
Bizenghast by M. Alice LeGrow (Manga)
Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson (Graphic Novel)
Wild's End by Dan Abnett (Graphic Novel)
The Fabled Kingdom by Queenie Chan (Manga)
Hexed by Michael Alan Nelson (Graphic Novel)
Day Men by Michael Alan Nelson (Graphic Novel)
Monster on the Hill by Rob Harrell (Graphic Novel)

It is only March and I all ready know I am going to have a very hard time picking my favourite reads of the year...

Then, I finally decided to get Marvel Unlimited. I am just starting with a month and then will decide from there, but I am all ready having so much fun with it...

So far I have read:
All-New X-Men - There are 32 issues on there which works out to Volumes 1-5 if you were reading them in trade. I haven't really read much from X-Men before; but I have always wanted to! This was a fun start. It includes time travel, space adventures, and kick-ass action. There are crossovers with The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. As a result of the time travel the characters we spend the most time with are teenagers, but it doesn't seem like a real problem. I am looking forward to more in this series and more from X-Men in general!

The Amazing Spider-Girl - This was just a whim because I like comics with girls or women in them. I read what works out to be about the first Volume of the series. It is not my favourite, but I do plan to read all that Marvel has in the series and see how things play out for the daughter of Spider-Man. 

She-Hulk - I have been hearing the buzz about this one, so I had to give it a read! There are 8 issues on Marvel Unlimited, which works out to be the first Volume in trade and part of the next one. I really liked this one! Jennifer Walters is the She-Hulk and I thought she was written really well. I understand this series has ended, so I will be sad to see it conclude on Marvel Unlimited.

2015 is shaping up to be an awesome reading year!


  1. I tend to have obsessions like that too. Scribd is definitely turning into one for me during this past week and a half since signing up, but whoa(!) I've read nowhere near as much as you have!!! I have, however, spent way too much time just adding books to my library there to remember for later. :P

  2. I loved Breadcrumbs! You may wear me down on the Sribd thing.

  3. I really loved The Mystery Society and wish there was more of it! And now I know what I need to read next on Marvel Unlimited. You have this really scary habit of adding to my to-read piles.

  4. NetGalley is my downfall and what increases my reading. Breadcrumbs looks interesting. I'd like to read more graphic novels and have been wanting to try the Fables books.

  5. I love that 2015 is turning into an awesome year for you!

  6. I went to NY in February and bought lots of comics. Lumberjanes seem to be sold out everywhere!

  7. I still haven't had a chance to check out Scribd but it's on my To Do list! :)

    So glad this is turning out to be a great reading year for you!


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