
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

This, That, and The Other Thing

So... We have a lot of snow. I am not even sure if this picture does it justice. My province considered declaring a state of emergency. I am not sure if we are there yet. Yes, there is a lot of snow, but amazingly the power didn't go out. Considering that we live in a province with very old grid-lines that usually go out, I am impressed with how few power outages there have been this winter. I have seen less snow and more power outages frankly. We just have a lot of snow... The best part about this province is that way back in history the settlers decided to build these dykes and live on flood plains. This means that when all this snow melts there is going to be flooding. It won't effect us, we live in higher elevation, but it will be a real problem... I am thinking that Mackie will have 'Mount Mackie' for a while yet, though.

Speaking of Mackie... He has decided that this week would be the most stressful week of dog ownership EVER! On Monday he was insanely sick... Like, wake the humans up in the middle of the night sick. I even took the day off work to watch him... I have no idea what he got into, but I hope he never gets into it again! Thankfully he bounced back and there was no vet visit involved. Then, on Tuesday he decided that things were not stressful enough. We have very high piles of snow, so cars cannot see my dog. Needless to say his ball got away from him and out into the road. And, that was almost the end of my dog ownership. It was insanely close to him being hit. If he hadn't been so terrified or had slipped, that would have been it. I guess I was pretty loud because my neighbour heard me yelling and saw it all happen. She had a better vantage point so I know when she says it was close.... It was close... It really freaked him out so hopefully that will be a lesson for him. (Have I really talked about Mackie on my blog before? I just went to use him as a tag and it didn't come up... I need to rectify that!)

It seems that 2015 is turning in the year of the comics for me. It's funny considering a few years ago I wouldn't even read comics. Now I find myself basically only reading them! I just think it is a combination of the horrible weather and the satisfaction. After over a year of hardly reading at all, here I am finishing stuff. I hope that longer works will reenter my reading, but for now I am enjoying my foray into comic books. I have read some really awesome stuff lately and hopefully it will continue!

What's happening in your neck of the woods?


  1. Wow! That is a ton of snow! I am so glad to hear that your doggie is okay. That had to have been very scary for both of you! At least you have plenty of reading time with all that snow outside, right?

    1. Yeah... It's plowed now and the pile left behind is pretty epic. lol

  2. What's happening in your neck of the woods?

    snow. just snow. some wind, big wind. then more snow.

    1. Yeah... your pictures would put mine to shame. You have had it way worse than us and we have had it pretty bad!

  3. WHAT


    I cannot even conceptualize that amount of snow. I SEE THE PICTURE BUT IT DOES NOT COMPUTE.

  4. So glad Mackie is okay, Kelly! Can't even imagine how scary that must have been!

    1. Thanks, Debi! He is back to being tied. His tie out is so buried and he needs a new one. Fingers crossed it will hold out until spring!

  5. That is an impressive amount of snow! I hope the flooding isn't as severe as you fear. Glad Mackie is OK. It's so scary when dogs get sick. Hope your reading continues to be so good!

  6. What a strange winter this has been. I simply can't imagine that much snow!

  7. Poor Mackie and poor Mama! Never fun being up with a little one in the middle of the night.

    We have only had a few days of snow down here (still maybe a lot more than average for Dallas?) but TONS of rain. Seems to be a really wet year for everyone! We're glad as we've been on drought restrictions the past few years and our reservoirs are finally filling up.

  8. That's a crazy amount of snow! It's great that you haven't lost power. Mackie is adorable and I'm so glad that everything worked out and he's okay. Hopefully next week will be a calmer dog owning week!

  9. Poor Mackie! And poor you! I'm glad the doggie is okay!

  10. Oh wow, all that snow is insane! It's beautiful but I can't imagine living with that - remind me in June when our temperatures here in Texas are triple digits and I'll re-consider snow! :)

    Poor Mackie. I'm sorry he was sick but glad all is good and he's doing better. Hopefully no more scares like that!


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