
Thursday, April 09, 2015

Week in Review (14) - Days Late

Random Thoughts

Well, I almost didn't accomplish my goal of posting at least once a week for 2015. I got a bit distracted from reading and blogging the last week or so, but I made myself sit down today and catch up!

Graphic Novel Year

Hawkeye - Volume 2: Little Hits
Ms. Marvel - Volume 1: Best of the Best
Ms. Marvel - Volume 2: Civil War
Ms. Marvel - Volume 3: Operation Lightning Storm
Ms. Marvel - Volume 4: Monster Smash
Ms. Marvel - Volume 5: Secret Invasion


Still not really listening at the moment.

Currently Reading

I was reading a bunch of short story collections and things. The last week, though, it has been Ms. Marvel and I feel like I am kind of stuck. Not that I don't like the series, just that I would like to have some variety in my reading and I slacked on that.

Weekly Reading

Yay, more Hawkeye! Enjoying this series so far.

I read Volumes 1-5 of the older Ms. Marvel series. Very different from the newer one that I read at the beginning of the year. This is actually a series that relates to the Captain Marvel series by Kelly Sue DeConnick. It was just before she became Captain Marvel. I like it, but a bit more emphasis on sex appeal than in the later series. I like Carol more as a down-to-earth character like she is now. But, it is interesting to see the evolution of her character.

Weekly Posts

New Additions

Nothing this week!


  1. I've got to get to Captain Marvel, too. So many titles. When I finish Ms. Marvel, I'll probably check out the older Ms. Marvel too. (As if I don't have enough in my Comics TBR, but you know ...)

  2. Hawkeye is on my wish list!

  3. I have one audiobook going on at the moment but I'm not getting very far into it as I usually save it for my outdoor walks and the weather hasn't been ideal lately. Hope you are having a great weekend!

  4. You are having a great year! I have definitely slowed down my reading and my audiobook listening. I don't necessarily like it either, as I feel unsettled. I need to find a way to get in more reading time these days.

    Have a great week!


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