
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Beyond the Books - Why I Started Blogging?

I have been seeing this weekly event on I Wish I Lived in a Library, but hadn't really had a chance to explore the up-coming topics. This weeks caught my eye, though!

So, this past December my blog turned 10. I posted for the first time on December 16, 2005. I had been joining some book groups online and it seemed to be the next step... Then, my online friend Marg, from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader, started blogging in November of 2005. She mentioned it, we talked about it, and then I started this little old blog. I was looking for avenues to talk about books because I have very few opportunities to in 'real life'. Book blogging seemed like the best way to find like-minded people. And, I have... Blogging has been one of the best things I have ever done. I may vanish from it for a while, but I have met so many people through this experience! Plus, review copies kept my reading going when I was a poor university student.

Why did you start blogging?


  1. Wow! 10 plus years. That's impressive. I think I mostly started blogging as a way to talk about books too. I had IRL blogging friends that pushed me into it as well.

  2. I too am impressed at 10! I started in 2008, because I couldn't remember what I had read, so I thought I had better write down the plots, and then I heard that if you do it on a blog, maybe you could get review books. But once I started blogging, the reason that overtook all the rest was as you said, finding like-minded people, and being able to have a sort of online book club that way!

  3. My blog will turn 10 this year. I started in August 2006. As for 'why' I started, to talk about books ;) Of course, I didn't have a clue about the book blogging community, and didn't start discovering other blogs until about six months after starting mine. But the fun really started when I discovered reading challenges!

  4. I started my book blog in 2006 because I was putting a lot of book talk on my quilting/crafty blog and wanted a separation. So glad I did!

  5. I'm so glad you joined up this week! I really enjoy BTB because you get to know everyone a little better. Wow 2005! Great job keeping it going. I wish I had discovered book blogging when I was in college. I would have eaten way better because I wouldn't have had to spend my food budget on books!

  6. I started blogging because one of my friends was like, "Oh you need start a blog, you'll love it!" And she was right. :)

  7. 10 years, wow! I started in December too, but four years after you. :) Pretty much everything you said, has been my story too. Started it in grad school. Loved the review books. Plus so many like-minded folks here.

  8. Yay for 10 years! I started blogging because I kind of got tired of not being able to discuss books with anyone so I thought why not. Now I've found my tribe :)


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