
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books On My Spring TBR

The Fairest Series
I am behind in this series... It has finished, so one of my goals is to reread what I have read before in the series and then finish the series off. This all ties into my goal to have no unread graphic novels in my house as of the end of 2015.

Fire Touched by Patricia Briggs
Okay, so I read the first chapter of this and then haven't got back to it. It always takes so long for new books to come out in this series and I guess I want to not rush through it and then have a long wait ahead...

A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab
I LOVED the first book in this series and cannot wait to see what happens next!!

Uprooted by Naomi Novik
I heard really good things about this, so I finally grabbed a copy when the paperback was released. I am looking forward to it!

 Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine
When I heard about this last year, I immediately wanted a copy. I love the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World and the Library of Alexandria was on that list. To write a series based around that... Must. Buy. And now, I finally have!

Bombshells - Volume 1: Enlisted 
This arrived on Friday and I am so excited to get to it! If we checked our mail more regularly and I had actually received it on Friday, I would have read it this weekend... Now it has to wait a bit, but not too long!

Hammered by Kevin Hearne
I read the first two books in this series recently, so I must get to more from it!

The Marvels by Brian Selznick
I grabbed a copy of this at Christmastime and still haven't read it. I must remedy that!

The Lake House by Kate Morton
I got this for Christmas and REALLY need to read it. I have read all of Morton's other books and really like her!

House of Mystery Series
I received volumes 3-8 of this series for Christmas, so this is the other series I want to get to after Fairest in an attempt to have no unread graphic novels in my house by the end of 2015.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted over here.


  1. Ooo! A new Patricia Briggs book! Yay!

  2. Anonymous1:11 AM

    I really have to start reading V.E. Schwab. I keep hearing good stuff about her books. Also, yes, Uprooted is a great read! But wait, what is this Bombshells? It looks fun!

  3. Ink and Bone and Uprooted are on my list too. I hope they are as good as everyone says.

  4. I really liked Uprooted and loved The Lake House. Several other titles here intrigue me.

  5. Hi. I can't wait to read Fire Touched. I can't believe I've been waiting two years for a new Mercy Thompson novel.

    Happy readings! ;)

  6. I'm excited about The Lake House and Uprooted looks good too. I love the cover of Ink and Bone. Actually all your covers are fantastic! Hope you enjoy them all!

  7. I want to read The Marvels.

  8. Ink and Booooone! I hear such good things! Can't wait to hear what you make of it.

  9. I'm a big Kate Morton fan too! I've read The Lake House and largely enjoyed it, although I was disappointed with the way the ending was handled.

    I've also seen primarily good things about Uprooted - I need to get my hands on it! It's been too long since I read a really absorbing fantasy.

  10. I'm noting down the Caine thanks to your post. A series about that library sounds excellent. Uprooted looks good too, and you got some excellent books for Christmas!

  11. I want to get my hands on The Marvels - I love Selznick!

  12. The Lake House has been on my TBR for awhile now. I've heard it's a good one!

  13. The Lake House has been on my TBR for awhile now. I've heard it's a good one!

  14. Great list! I also want to read Uprooted and Ink and Bone this spring, since I have both on my shelves! I also heard so many great things about V.E. Schwab's series, I need to get my hands on the first book soon.

  15. So many great sounding books! I hope to read Uprooted at some point. A Gathering of Shadows is on my wish list as is Ink and Bone. I hope you get to all of these this spring!

  16. I like listening to audio for books that have a big time gap between books. That makes it last longer. I'm listening to Firetouched right now.
    Ink and Bone is really good.

  17. Somehow I have managed not to get around to reading the Mercy Thompson book prior to Fire Touched though I own it. Maybe my mind's way of "stockpiling" them or something.


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