
Sunday, March 06, 2016

Week in Review - Week 10

Random Thoughts

And, here we are with the month of March. I have actually been blogging a bit! I am not sure how long that will continue... My goal is to at least post on Sunday and record what I read each week and to post a month end post. If I do that, great. If I do more than that, even better! My reading will likely quiet down a bit in March because I cannot keep reading comics like I have been because I will easily run out of unread ones before the end of the year. It was fun to read through my stacks, though. There are others I never got to and I continue to aspire to having everything read by the end of the year. I am also doing pretty good reading books as they enter the house, so that is always a plus!

Graphic Novel Year

Saga Volume 4
Saga Volume 5
Black Widow - Volume 3: Last Days
S.H.I.E.L.D - Volume 1: Perfect Bullets

Currently Reading

Weekly Reading

As You Wish - I loved this. I love the movie and have wanted to check this out since it was released. It was fun to get a behind the scenes look at everything and I enjoyed how he managed to get other cast members and crew to add in their own thoughts. It definitely brought back a lot of fond memories about my first time reading the book and seeing the movie. I still own both and think a reread of The Princess Bride would be a fun idea! Strongly recommended!

Saga Volume 4 (reread) - I actually blogged about this book and everything!

Saga Volume 5 - I love this series! I blogged about all five books right here.

Black Widow - Volume 3 - I love the Black Widow as a character. I read the first two volumes in this series last year and I believe this completes this particular spin-off. It was fun to see her grow away from the larger series she is in and get to know other sides of her. I think there could be a Black Widow movie and it would do really well. Recommended!

Anna Dressed in Blood - Well, this was a creepy book, but I enjoyed it! I have seen this series around likely since its release, but never got around to reading it. I started hearing about it again, though, and Scribd added it. So, time to give it a try! It is a story about a ghost hunter which is not as big a paranormal fad as some of the others, so this worked for me. I am glad I gave it a read and look forward to trying the sequel. Recommended!

ApocalyptiGirl - This book popped up as a recommendation on Amazon a few weeks ago and caught my attention. Then, I asked for some comic book recommendations and this was on the list. So, I decided to give it a try. First off all, there is a cat on the cover and its name is Jelly Bean! Secondly, it is a very original take on the Apocalypse idea. The art is definitely different from the norm, too. I am glad I took a chance on it because I love kick-ass female characters. Recommended!

S.H.I.E.L.D. - Volume 1 - The thing with Marvel Unlimited is I read issues as they are released, so to work up to a trade can take a few months. I went through most of the new series last year and this was one I started. I really like this series and wish I was doing better at actually watching the show! agent Coulson is my favourite. I love his car! Recommended!

A Darker Shade of Magic - Okay, let's face facts here... I hardly read any books actually released in 2015 last year. I missed hearing about most of them. So, this only started hitting my radar around Christmas to the point where I actually walked into a bookstore and grabbed a copy! And, I loved it. It is definitely fantasy at its best, but it also has an intriguing representation of a possible end of world scenario involving magic. I cannot wait to read the sequel and strongly, strongly recommend this book!!!

New Additions

ApocalyptiGirl by Andrew MacLean

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 9

Weekly Pictures


  1. Sort of related to this post...with the photos at the bottom. Just FYI, my wife Kim has been enjoying seeing your photos on Instagram of your pets. Not that I don't, but I wanted to let you know she's been enjoying seeing your photos.

    1. I am glad to hear that like I told you on Twitter. :)

  2. I need to get As You Wish for my daughter!

    1. It was really good! If she does audio, I have heard really good things about it!

  3. I'm looking forward to listening to Anna Dressed in Blood. It looks so creepy! Glad to hear you enjoyed it. As You Wish is on my TBR. I absolutely loved the movie but somehow have never read the book. I need to fix that. Love your instagram pics - especially the one of Mackie with the treat on his head. Too funny! Have a great week!

    1. haha, yes, my silly dog who will do most anything for a treat. :)

  4. I've heard good things about As You Wish for anyone who loves The Princess Bride (and I mean, who DOESN'T love that movie??)
    Also YAY pet pictures. Adorable!

  5. A Darker Shade of Magic is on my TBR. That cover art is stunning!

  6. I have been reading so much about 'Apocalyptigirl'. Now that you have recommended it too, I want to try. And, I follow you on Instagram. I love your furry-folks. They are supremely adorable. :D

  7. I need to read a Schwab. I love that picture of your dog resting it's head on your kitty. The kitty does not look happy.

    1. I ordered her new book and VICIOUS after finishing this book. I am excited! I love that picture, too.

  8. wow, gorgeous pictures!

  9. Wasn't Anna Dressed in Blood great? I haven't gone to read more in the series but I probably should. I thought it was pretty creative. And, love the pictures!

  10. You have been blogging! Yay! Now I need to go back and read some of your other posts. :) Anything in particular that you're planning on reading in March?

  11. I love Kelley Armstrong -- haven't read that yet. And I think I'm really behind in Saga. I just don't read that many comics these days

  12. Yay for a cat and dog that get along! I saw Anna Dressed In Blood the other day, noticed it because of your last mention and was intrigued but realised I don't know enough about it. From what you've said it wouldn't have been a bad option.

  13. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I have to read the Cary Elwes book! And now I feel like I have to watch the Princess Bride again!

  14. I need to spend some time exploring comics. I love all the pet photos!

  15. I need to give Saga a try next time I'm in the mood for some graphic novels. Everyone seems to love the series.

    Great photos! Your animals are beautiful.

  16. I keep meaning to pick up As You Wish, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I love your photos.

  17. I'm not a cat fan but the 1st picture made me smile, it says to me 'what are you looking at, yes I'm in charge, I'm waiting, get to it' I am giggling.

    Never seen the Kelly Armstrong one you are reading. I read Masked Truth last year, my first by her but a thriller, I enjoyed it.

  18. That one of Mackie and Casey where Mackie is snuggling with her? My heart melted!

    Isn't As You Wish fantastic? I watched the movie again after listening to it on audio, and I had a blast seeing it in a whole new light.


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