
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

30 Days of Books ~ Day 2

Day 2 ~ A Book That You Have Read More Than 3 Times

I remember grabbing this book entirely on a whim and loving it. It is the book I tend to grab when I am in a slump and want a comfort read. If you told me before I read it that I would enjoy it as much as I do, I would have laughed. To read what it is about it doesn't entirely sound like me at all, but it is a favourite now and I am so happy I bought it on a whim. I really must reread it soon! I have been thinking about it lately, but haven't picked it up and settled in yet. I will. The movie wasn't horrible either, so that was a plus. You always have to worry about those things. Definitely a book I enjoy reading over and over again!


  1. Really?! I've been considering rereading this one but it's pretty long. It's a commitment but such an exquisite story!

  2. You should organize a read-along. I think there's enough in it for interesting discussions.

  3. I really loved the story, but I absolutely hated the ending! It really bugged me. I actually prefer the movie ending better than the book.

  4. I wonder if I should reread it - so many people do NOT like it that I wonder what I read. But I won't. I never reread books (rarely, anyway.)

  5. I actually just reread this! I still like it a lot. It's one of those books that's nearly perfect on a scene-to-scene level, even if I'm not always 100% sure about the overarching plot. The scene where Henry meets Alba for the first time never fails to get me teary-eyed!

  6. I have never read it. Shame on me.

  7. This has been on my meaning-to-read list for years and years now. Still haven't gotten to it. But I really do *mean* to.


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