
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week in Review - Week 21

Random Thoughts

Guys... I have had an amazing reading week! I loved everything that I read and I am all excited about up-coming reading. My reading year has been good in general, but this week probably included books that will be on my best of list for the year. And, more than one. So, I count that as a good reading week! I am writing this very first thing or I would get caught up in another book and accomplish nothing today. It is a long weekend and kind of rainy out, so it will likely be a reading day! (And some cleaning... Always cleaning...) I hope this burst of awesome reading continues! 

Graphic Novel Year

Amazingly, nothing...

Currently Reading



Weekly Reading

A Gathering of Shadows ~ I finished this last Sunday after speeding through it last week. I loved it!! It took me a couple tries to actually settle in with it, but I think that was more fear it wouldn't live up to the first book than anything else. I had to wait for the right mood to hit me. But, I think this book is better than book 1 and am so happy that I took a chance on this series after hearing so much about it. I cannot wait for book 3 next year. I wish it was sooner! Strongly recommended!

The Wee Free Men (reread) ~ I decided to reread this because I have book 4 in the series now and wanted to refresh my memory. It was just as fun the second time as it was the first. Unfortunately I don't own book 2 and 3, so not sure if I am going to grab copies and reread them too, or just hope I remember enough to read book 4. I have to read some other stuff first anyway. But, as always, I strongly recommended Terry Pratchett!

Shadow and Bone (reread) ~ When Audible has sales I will grab books from series I have all ready read because I never read the sequels and want to refresh my memory. I originally read this in 2012 and never got around to the sequels... Since I am enjoying her new series, I figured it was time to find out what else happened in this trilogy. I definitely needed the refresher! There was a lot I had forgotten. But, it was still really good and I enjoyed the audio performance. Now to read books 2 and 3 before 4 years go by again! Strongly recommended!
Hammered ~ Look! I actually read book 3 in this series before 6 years had passed! Actually, before 6 months had passed! I might be getting better at this series reading thing... I would love to finish some series this year... The best part is that this is such a good series, that I find myself really enjoying each instalment and looking forward to what happens next. This volume had characters like Jesus and Thor. What more can you ask for! Strongly recommended!

The Dream Thieves ~ I mentioned last week how my audio experience with this book was a disaster... I am so glad that it didn't ruin my chance with this book, though! I loved it! I am finally seeing why so many people love this series. I am sad it took me so long to get around to reading it. But, as you can see, I am all ready moved on to the next book... I love all of the characters in this series and you really get to know them, so that makes this series something you want to know all the details about and all the outcomes. I can't wait to see what happens next! Strongly Recommended!

New Additions

The Wrath and the Dawn (gift)
The Raven King
Dreams of Gods & Monsters
Blue Lily, Lily Blue
The Dream Thieves
Days of Blood & Starlight

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 20
30 Days of Books ~ The Announcement

Weekly Pictures


  1. Yay! For a good reading week :) I'm so glad you are enjoying The Raven Boys series--one of my very favorites!

  2. I'm working on finishing some series too! It's sad when it gets to be so long since you read a book in a series that you can't remember a thing. This needs to stop! I want to read so many of these books!

  3. I read The Raven Boys last month and enjoyed it very much. Hoping to get hold of book 2 soon.

  4. Wow! Great week! I'm the same with series, I either read (and love) the first book but never get around to reading the others *or* I'll read a whole series, anxiously buy the last book and can't bring myself to read it. LOL. I'm already planning ahead to make 2017 the year of the sequel for me.

  5. I'm so happy that you've jumped aboard the Raven Cycle bandwagon! I've spent so much time hyping those books, I feel semi-responsible for other people's enjoyment of it also. I hope you're enjoying Blue Lily Lily Blue so far! Jesse Dittley!!!

  6. Yay for an amazing reading week! I just finished the last book in the Raven Cycle, but I need to reread it.

    Fingers crossed that this week's books are just as good.

  7. That WAS a good reading week! And no graphic novels? Who are you and what have you done with Kelly? ;)


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