
Thursday, June 02, 2016

30 Days of Books ~ Day 10

Day 10 ~ Favourite Classic

I don't really read enough classics to comment on favourites... But, I am going to go with Rebecca. I am not so sure it is old enough to be a classic, but it was the only thing that popped to mind. If you want some older stuff, though, there is The Woman in White and lots of Charles Dickens. Oh, and Dracula. I enjoy a lot of classics. I really should be wider read with them.


  1. Definitely a classic. I love this book. And the movie is great too!

  2. Love Rebecca and have read it more than once. The Woman in White is a favorite that after a reread a few years ago for Carl's RIP challenge, I found even better than the first time!

  3. I've had REBECCA on my Kindle for quite awhile now. I really need to get to it sometime soon! Lots of people love it. I'm sure I will, too, I just need to actually read it.

  4. Rebecca is one of my favorites as well! It's so good and so creepy! If you haven't read it already try and get a copy of her short story The Birds. The Hitchcock movie was loosely based on it and it was one of the most terrifying stories I've ever read! Who would think birds could be so scary!

  5. I really liked Rebecca too. It was a fun read. It's definitely a classic. I just wish the MC had had a name. That kind of bugged me, lol.

  6. I remember discovering this one in the school library. I think it was one of the first books I stayed up really late to finish :) I found it a very absorbing read.


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