
Saturday, June 04, 2016

30 Days of Books ~ Day 12

Day 12 ~ A book you used to love but don't anymore

It pains me to admit that I do not love this series the same way that I used to... When I was younger I used to reread this all the time. As an adult, my one more recent reread didn't work as well... I obviously pick up on things that I never did when I was younger. But, all of her books will remain on my shelves because it is Madeleine L'Engle and I love her even if it is in a different way than when I read her originally. 


  1. Ohh, this is one I've enjoyed rereading, even as a grown-up. What didn't work for you this time?

  2. This is one I've only read twice--as an adult--but it didn't quite work for me. Maybe if I'd read it earlier? I don't know.

  3. I could never get into these books as a kid. Maybe I'd like them now that I'm an adult??? You never know. I hate when childhood favorites just don't do it for you any more.

  4. I've never read these. I want to, though. I hope I like them. I'm sorry it's not the same for you, but I'm glad you still like it enough to keep the books. :)

  5. Okay, that's a really interesting question! And your answer is really interesting too. I never read those as a kid, but I suspect I would have adored them! I've still only read the first one, and I definitely enjoyed it but think probably not as much as I would have had I read it earlier.

  6. You are not the only person I've seen for whom the L'Engle books don't hold up in adulthood. I'm scared to reread them now! I loved them so much when I was little, but also I MUST KNOW.

  7. Shamefully, I've never read them.


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