
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

30 Days of Books ~ Day 18

Day 18 ~ Book That Disappointed You

Okay, let's admit it... This series has never clicked for me. But, in my defence... No books with teen protagonists ever really worked for me. My reading tastes have changed, I admit it, so I do plan to try again and see if it works for me. I just haven't got to it yet!


  1. Have you watched the movies? Did you like them? If you did and didn't like them, you probably won't like the books. I'm sad it's never clicked for you, but I understand that everyone's tastes are different. Good thing there are lots of different books out there.

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed the first few books, but didn't keep up with the series. My grandkids are now in love with all of them, and I have to admit the movies are marvelous. :) The beauty of the Hogwart scenes are breathtaking.

  3. I hated the first book. My immediate reaction was that it was a Diana Wynne Jones wannabe, but after the third book came out my step-mother urged me to give it another try and I ended up liking the second one better and went on to read the rest as they came out. But I can take or leave them. I only watched the first movie and haven't felt compelled to watch the others yet.

  4. I have a hard time with middle grade books. I wonder, though, if I ever have kids if I'll get into middle grade books as we read them together??? Otherwise I'll probably never read them. I do love the HP books though. So sad you didn't like them.

  5. Noooo.. :-( I am sure many have tried to get you to read the rest of the series so I won't go there. :) This is a good prompt - not sure yet what my answer would be.

  6. If it's not for you, it's not for you! I'm sure it helps to have read the books when you were a bit younger in the first place -- I read the first Harry Potter book when I was a teenager and awaited the publication of all the ones after, I think, the third? So I have a significant emotional investment in them that wouldn't be there for you if you read them now. No judgment!

  7. I agree with what Jenny said -- part of my love of the series is coming to it at the time I did and growing with the characters. That'll always be tied together in the affection I have for the books and the characters in a way maybe adults coming to the series wouldn't feel.


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