
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Week in Review - Week 24

Random Thoughts

I can't believe how quickly 2016 is flying by... I always feel like there are not enough hours in a day lately, but yet here we are at the 12th of June. So, I have had a lot of hours so far this year. It just doesn't seem possible it is that time of the year yet. I think part of my feelings stem from the fact the animals are shedding like crazy and I could pretty much vacuum twice a day and there would still be fur everywhere. Pet ownership can be so fun! I did find some reading time lately, though, so all is not lost.

Graphic Novel Year

Witchblade - Volume 1: Witch Hunt
Planet Hulk: Warzones
Witchblade - Volume 2
Uncanny Avengers - Volume 1: Counter Evolutionary
Where Monsters Dwell: The Phantom Eagle Flies the Savage Skies
X-Tinction Agenda: Warzones!
Red Skull
X-Men Years of Future Past
Spider-Verse Warzones
Wayward Deluxe - Volume 1
Wayward - Volume 3: Out from the Shadows
Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos

Currently Reading


Weekly Reading

Witchblade - Volume 1 ~ I got a bunch of this series in a Humble Bundle and finally figured it was time to see what it was all about! A cop story, but with fantasy and magical elements. Works for me! Sara Pezzini is just an ordinary person with a special gift. And, it was refreshing to read a series where she is dressed like a regular person most of the volume instead of falling out of her clothes everywhere! I am looking forward to more from this series! Recommended!

Planet Hulk: Warzones! ~ Marvel has been a bit neglected lately, so I hunkered down and finally read some of the comics in my library. I think my problem is I am not blown away by many of the Warzones/Battleworld/Secret Wars comics. I mean, this one was okay but there was nothing memorable about it. I am sure this series will large all sort of run together as a whole looking back on it, but I am happy to be spending time in the Marvel Universe even if it is not knocking my socks off. 

Days of Blood & Starlight ~ I think the large size of this book, and the sequel I am reading right now, are what put me back in a comics mood. I really enjoyed this book, but it felt like it took me forever to read it! (If I had known I was going to reactivate my Audible membership, I would have listened to the audio like I did for the first book.) Anyway, the great thing about this series is while it a story about the battle between good verses evil, I don't feel like it is an overdone story. It still has its original feel. And, I love all the characters. Recommended!
Witchblade - Volume 2 ~ I wanted to keep my momentum going with this series (and not ignoring Humble Bundle purchases), so I decided to find out what happens next. The cover to this one is sort of a departure from the darker cover of Volume 1. Anyway, I continue to like this and am happy I have the chance to read them! Sara is a likeable character who is learning about the Witchblade and the powers that come with it. I like learning along with her. And, her and her partner are starting to remind me of The X-files. (Only I guess she is Mulder!) Recommended!
The Uncanny Avengers - Volume 1: Counter-Evolutionary ~ I also am doing better with not neglecting Marvel this week. Another volume in the Secret Wars story-line. I like The Avengers comics, but again... This one didn't knock my socks off. I just don't think I am invested enough in the overall storyline. I mean, it is a good marketing idea, but I prefer just reading one series and having the occasional crossover, I think. But, I still did like this one. I just didn't love it.

Where Monsters Dwell ~ And, now, for something completely different... This one was fun. It is still supposed to be set in Secret Wars, but it is also historical and a lot like some of the old science-fiction novels where people from one time get lost in a different time with dinosaurs and things. Firstly, the play on gender roles and such was fun. I loved the interaction between the two main characters. And, there is even an LGBTQ character! So, this one I recommend and really enjoyed!

X-Tinction Agenda ~ This one I didn't really connect with. I like the X-Men, but I think this spins off in a way from an earlier event that I hadn't read or something. I just felt a little lost and like I was reading a story partway through. So, just wasn't my cup of tea and was likely not the stories fault but mine.

Red Skull ~ I didn't connect with this one either. 

X-Men: Years of Future Past ~ I was starting to think I was on a break from Marvel for a good reason, but then I read this X-Men comic and I did enjoy this one. Phew. It takes place in a future where the X-Men we know and love are older and on the verge of extinction. There have only been two new Mutants born while they have been in a prison system. This is them fighting for their freedom and compared to other comics in this post, well done. It still is not my favourite X-Men comic ever, but it was good!

Wayward Deluxe Edition - Volume 1 ~ Volume 3 of this series came out and I got this in a Humble Bundle, so decided to do a reread before reading Volume 3 (even though I reread Volume 1 earlier this year all ready...). I think this series is so fun! It is done really well. There are explanations to all the different ideas and events at the end because they do their research and you feel like you are visiting Japan and their traditions. I love it every time I read it. Strongly recommended!

Wayward - Volume 3 ~ YAY! I have been waiting for this to come out and was so excited when it finally arrived in the mail. There is always a moment where you worry that a next volume will disappoint, but I am continuing to love this series and closed the volume excited for Volume 4. There is so much going on to explain in this little square and impossible to not include spoilers, so I will just gush and tell you that this series is one worth checking out! Strongly recommended!

Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commados ~ After some less than stellar reading from Marvel, I decided to read this one. I love Deadpool and his wife is just as fun to read. The good part was that even though Deadpool was not supposed to be in this, he managed to be! He does the intro and 'narrates' and then finds a way to join near the end. So, as is typical for Deadpool, you end up having fun reading it and this was no exception. Recommended!

New Additions

The View from the Cheap Seats
Wayward - Volume 3: Out from the Shadows

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 23
30 Days of Books ~ Day 13
30 Days of Books ~ Day 14
30 Days of Books ~ Day 15
30 Days of Books ~ Day 16

Weekly Pictures


  1. One of these days I'll read the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series. I loved your pictures this week. You're out and about enjoying summer. I've been locked inside hiding from the heat. Not so great at embracing summer.

  2. June is nearly half over already. Crazy. My cats have been shedding like crazy too. I can't keep up. :-( I have a copy of The View From the Cheap Seats, but haven't had a chance to start it yet. Are you enjoying it so far?

    I hope you have a great week, Kelly!

  3. Hooray for Laini Taylor! I liked her books a lot, even though I thought they could do with a bit of editing. She has a new book coming out this year, I want to say? Or early 2017? And I'm well excited to see what comes out of her brain next!

  4. I try and vacuum at least once a day partly because of pets. I'm technically allergic to dogs which has really ramped up in the last year or so. The problem is we have a dog so keeping everything as picked up as possible is the only way we're making it work. I still haven't read Laini Taylor and I desperately need to fix that! Soon hopefully. Love your pictures. I'm especially intrigued by the house! Have a great week!


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