
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I Read Because of the R.I.P. Challenge

As this is the Halloween freebie, I thought I would look back on the R.I.P. Challenge and see what books I read during that challenge that I really enjoyed!

Read in 2013. Just one of those books that has a great story, but is also just great to look at and own!

Read in 2013. I still have never read the sequels to this book even though I enjoyed this one!

Read in 2011. Love this book! I have also listened to the audio of it!

Read in 2011. Really enjoyed this series opener... Still have not read the sequels.

Read in 2011. I used to read classics and loved this one. Really must get back to reading classics...

Read in 2011. Kate Morton is one of my favourite authors. I have read all of her books except her newest!

Read in 2010. Loved this book. (Also read My Cousin Rachel for R.I.P and loved that one, too.) I had plans to reread this, but would have to actually be reading to do that!

Read in 2008. Really enjoyed this book by Gaiman. Another I keep wanting to reread!

Read in 2008. I love this collection! I have a larger collection of her short stories that I really need to get around to reading!

Read in 2008. I never had much luck with her novel, but I loved this short story collection!

Top Ten Tuesday is Hosted at The Broke and the Bookish.


  1. Looooove THE NIGHT CIRCUS.

  2. I'm not big on spooky or creepy and haven't read any of these.

  3. The Night Circus!! Such an amazing read!

  4. This is such a fun post. I read a ton of these books for RIP, too. I really need to try out Kate Morton. I think I'd like her books.

  5. I love The Night Circus. It's one of my favorite. And, I loved Rebecca too. Such a great book for Halloween and RIP. I love the topic you chose!

  6. Have you listened to The Graveyard Book, the full cast version? SO, SO good!

  7. I just finished The Graveyard Book and loved it! So weird but in the best possible way. Rebecca is a fantastic reread. There's so many intricate details that I feel like I discover something new every time I read it. I have The Woman in White but keep stalling on actually reading it and House of Riverton has been on my TBR for ages! You've read some great stuff thanks to RIP!

  8. I like how you did this! I've only read one of Kate Morton's books. I need to read them all!

  9. Agree with so many of these titles - especially Night Film, Rebecca and The Bloody Chamber.

    I only explored Kate Morton's work this year and just love her writing style. I've read her first novel and have her last sitting on my shelves, but haven't read anything in between. The Night Circus is an all time favourite of mine.

  10. This is a great list of books to keep in mind for the next RIP Challenge. I'm almost done with mine but I've been in such mood for spooky reads that I may even continue after the challenge is over.


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