
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Week in Review - Week 44

Random Thoughts

Entering another week without Casey. At this point she is either locked in somewhere, hopefully being fed, or something bad happened to her. I feel like a bad pet owner because I never wanted them to go outside because I was worried this very thing would happen. I was told over and over not to worry, cats prefer going outside, look how happy she is, etc. So, everyone made me feel guilty and now my cat is probably never coming back. It has not been a good last two weeks...

I am starting to get back in the swing of things, though. The end of the year is approaching and there are so many books calling my name. I had set a goal at the beginning of the year to have no unread graphic novels in my house by the end of the year. I caught up on a lot of series to start out, but I still have a bunch that are still unread. What I might do today is make a list and then at least I have something to cross off and refer to. Will I finish by the end of the year? Likely not, but I can try! Another goal I had was to finish some series. I should just know at this point that I am very bad with series. The reading slumps I have been in have not helped.

Graphic Novel Year

Giant Days - Volume 3

Currently Reading


Weekly Reads

Bookburners - Season 1, Episode 6 ~ Finally back to reading this. It's an e-galley that I figured would be expired. Imagine my delight when it still worked. Now, of course, it will likely expire as I make my way closer to finishing it... It is fun and if you were more organised than me, it would be a good project to try and read one a day. I definitely recommend it!

A Wild Swan ~ Once upon a time, Michael Cunningham was an auto-buy author for me. I loved a lot of his earlier works. Then, I bought a new book by him a few years ago, never read it, and haven't bought anything since. What is wrong with me! I have had my eye on this one since it came out and it was time to finally get back to Cunningham. Plus, it is retelling of fairy tales and we all know how much I love them! It was so good! The art was awesome! You should check it out!! Recommended!

Bookburners Season 1, Episode 7 ~ Wow, twice in one week I manage to get to this! This one was really good! Grace is a great character and we learn her backstory in this one. It was really compelling and totally gives you a new appreciation for Grace. I am not sure if I like Sal. She tries too hard to be 'good' cop and annoys me in her attitude a lot. But, we will see how the series goes, I guess. Recommended!

What I Saw and How I Lied ~ I grabbed this book off Scribd randomly because it was one of their Unlimited Audio selections. I have never heard of it before, but it won the National Book Award. It was the first time I have listened to an audio with a young narrator, but she did a good job. This book actually touches on some important topics and does a good job showing what it is like to be a teen. I am glad I took a chance on this one. Recommended!

Giant Days - Volume 3 ~ This series is so fun! It is a little different than what I normally read, but definitely worth trying out. It is about a group of university students and all the ups and downs of their lives. It is believable, but there is also aspects of the unbelievable included. If you are looking for a fun new series, you should definitely try it. Recommended!

Bookburners Season 1, Episode 8 & 9 ~ After neglecting this series forever, I am finally making my way through it! I read two more episodes on Friday and am now over halfway. I may actually finish it by the end of the year at this rate. The adventures continue. In Episode 8, Grace makes a special trip to a second hand bookstore and in Episode 9, apparently the Library of Alexandria was not destroyed after all. And then there are the demons and adventures which make this series fun. Definitely recommend it!

The Geek Feminist Revolution ~ Finally! I have been reading this off and on all month. It was my first time reading Kameron Hurley and now I really must check out her fiction. She sounds like a no-nonsense type and I really enjoyed her thoughts on the world. I didn't love all the essays, but they all make you think about things and appreciate things and kept me reading. Overall I really enjoyed this and am glad I finally got a copy for my birthday! Recommended!

Falling Free ~ Yay, one in my Vorksogian read down! I am still in the reread process. This one I originally read almost 5 years ago, so I remembered the basics, but not the specifics. The reread on audio was great! I am really excited to revisit the books I have read before and finally read on in the series! This was definitely awesome on audio and just as good the second time. If you want a fun science fiction series, check this one out! Recommended!

New Additions

Dark Matter
Karen Memory
The Killing Moon
The Promise of Canada

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 43
Wordless Wednesday - Take 6
WWW Wednesday - On Thursday (4)
Saturday Snapshot - Take 6

Weekly Pictures

(This is actually two weeks of pictures. I was lazy and didn't share pictures last week.)


  1. Don't feel bad. It's not your fault. I let my kitties out. Luckily they're chicken so they stay in my yard. I lost the best kitty I ever had though. She just disappeared and I still don't know what happened to her. Broke my heart. It's so heartbreaking.

  2. Lots of good reading going on (or planned) to help offset your worry.

  3. I wish I could wave my hand and have Casey come back to you. I know you are guilt-ridden about letting her out, and that is not right either. I'm glad you are beginning to get back into the swing of things though. It's important to be able to do so, no matter how much we mourn a beloved pet.


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