
Thursday, October 20, 2016

WWW Wednesday - On Thursday (3)

My week has been a bit disorganised because Casey didn't come back in after being out Monday night, and we still have not found her. She is usually pretty predictable when she gets out, so I am concerned to say the least. I find working from home, I keep getting up and opening the door and calling for her. It means I am not settled doing anything this week... So, this post will not be all that different than last week...

~ I have been mostly reading The Round House by Louise Erdrich, but I think it is a bit too slow paced for my mood. It is good, though! Last night I started Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff because I think this pace is better for me right now. I am only 60 pages in, but it is good so far. I think this will likely be a better fit for me right now. And, then, I am still technically reading The Geek Feminist Revolution, but keep forgetting about it... oops!

~ This has not changed from last week, which is crazy for me lately. I am still listening to What I Saw and How I Lied and Black Rabbit Hall. They are both really good, but I am just not making time for audio like I normally do...

~ I finished The Nightingale. It was really good, but probably also not the exact book for my mood of late, so it took me forever. At least I enjoyed it, though! I hadn't read a historical fiction set in WWII in a very long time. It was a good one to go with to get into it again! I also read Fables: The Wolf Among Us - Volume 2. I had started off the week on a reading high, but I didn't know Casey was missing yet... Anyway, the Fables spin-offs, for me, are never quite as good as the original series, but it was good and I am glad I finally got around to reading it. And now, I have read everything and have no idea if there is anything else coming from the Fables world?

~ I had big plans, folks. Now I have no idea if I will even finish a book this week let alone what to go with next. I am just not good at this whole not knowing thing. Casey could be fine, but she is not here wailing at me for food. I just feel a little off with her not under foot. Last night I actually forgot to feed Finn because I always feed him when I feed Casey, and Casey wasn't here to remind me she was starving.

WWW Wednesday is hosted at Taking on a World of Words. I am just rebelling and posting on Thursday's instead. 


  1. Uh, oh. I hope Casey shows up soon--I know you can't help worrying!

  2. I'm so sorry, Kelly. She will come back to you. I just know it! In the meantime, stick with light-hearted books to help you get through the waiting period. Good luck!


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