
Tuesday, November 01, 2016

October in Review

Looking Back

Remember how bad July and August was? October was way worse, folks. I started the month with two and ended it with one. It still doesn't feel real. I am still hoping I will open the door and find Casey waiting to be let in. I also feel pretty depressed every time I open the door and she is not there. Casey has appeared on my blog and Instagram so many times over the years. She really was the best cat. I am just not as fond of Finn as I was of Casey, he is not cuddly at all, so I am really finding the house empty. Thank goodness for Mackie!
Casey 2013
The Books

253. Star Wars: Chewbecca by Gerry Duggan
254. A Game for Swallows by Zeina Abirached
255. I Remember Beirut by Zeina Abirached
256. Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson
257. Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
258. The Dreamer by Pam Munzo Ryan 
259. Fables: The Wolf  Among Us - Volume 2 by Matthew Sturges
260. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah
261. Black Rabbit Hall by Eve Chase
262. A Wild Swan by Michael Cunningham
263. Bookburners - Season 1, Episode 6: Big Sky by Brian Francis Slattery
264. Bookburners - Season 1, Episode 7: Now and Then by Max Gladstone
265. What I Saw And How I Lied by Judy Blundell
266. Giant Days - Volume 3 by John Allison
267. Bookburners - Season 1, Episode 8: Under my Skin by Mur Lafferty
268. Bookburners - Season 1, Episode 9: Ancient Wonders by Margaret Dunlap
269. The Geek Feminist Revolution by Kameron Hurley
270. Falling Free by Lois McMaster Bujold
271. Gemina by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman

The Source

Marvel: 1
Scribd: 5
Bought: 5
Gift: 1
Audible: 2
Netgalley: 4

Series Talk

Three Dark Crowns - 1/1
The Wolf Among Us - 2/2
Giant Days - 3/3
Vorksogian - A reread, but 1 out of many!

Other Talk

I did better on audios this month than I expected!

Brown Girl Dreaming
The Dreamer
Black Rabbit Hall
What I Saw And How I Lied
Falling Free

Books Added to TBR Pile

Good thing my birthday only happens once a year... oops!

Dark Matter
Karen Memory
The Killing Moon
The Promise of Canada
A Wild Swan
The Rose & the Dagger
The Queen of Blood
The Swan Riders
The Graces
The Shadowed Sun
Labyrinth Lost
The Scorpion Rules
Giant Days - Volume 3
The Comet Seekers
The Wicked + the Divine - Volume 4: Rising Action
The Girl from Everywhere
The Natural Way of Things
The Kingdom of Gods
The Obelisk Gate
Bellweather Rhapsody
The Muse
How to Draw a Rhinoceros


  1. Well, reading wise it looks like you did well. I still keep hoping I'll see on Instagram or here that Casey is home! Im so sorry she's gone.

  2. I'm so sorry that Casey still hasn't come home. :( I really do hope she comes home. *hugs*

  3. I'm so sorry about Casey and know just how you feel. My grey cat Riley has been missing since the end of September and I've just about given up hope. She's disappeared before and came back mad as can be and wanting dinner NOW so I keep hoping but it's never been this long. I hope November is better for you.

  4. I'm sorry it has been such a difficult month. I hope Casey turns up safe and sound.

    Looks like you read some good stuff this month. I'm itching to get my hands on The Geek Feminist Revolution and Geminia. I'm also keen to hear what you think of Karen Memory.


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