
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Holiday Gift Guide - Ten Books to Buy the Graphic Novel Reader in Your Life

 A Game for Swallows ~ Good story and art. Talks about an important aspect of history from the view of someone there.

Batgirl - I am enjoying this run of Batgirl. The one before it, not as good, but still readable.

Deadpool - Pretty much anything Deadpool. He is a fun character.

Giant Days - Fun series about a group of university students. Believable, but also a bit of the unbelievable thrown in.

Hexed - I was listing comics I read this year, so since I reread this series earlier this year... It counts! One of my favourite series!

Lazarus - Love series with strong female leads. Definitely recommend this one!

Lumberjanes - Another series I reread this year, so it counts. A mix of the believable and the unbelievable. Good for the slightly younger and older reading crowd.

Morning Glories - Things are not all as they seem at this boarding school. Each volume brings new things to discover!

Paper Girls - Brian K. Vaughan in general is awesome. This series is off to a good start!

Saga - Another series that I reread this year, so totally counts. Love this series and it just gets better and better!

This is just a random collection of books I have read this year. There are many other awesome series out there.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke & the Bookish


  1. LumberJanes is on my husband's Christmas list. :-) I have a couple graphic novels on mine (I bought another one that had been on my list recently with my e-book credit from B&N) that I wouldn't mind getting for Christmas: Anya's Ghost and Blue Is the Warmest Color.

    Great list, Kelly!

  2. I still haven't gotten around to Lumberjanes yet.

  3. I've been really wanting someone to do graphic novels. I love your choices! My current favorite graphic is Rat Queens. Followed by Lumberjanes.

  4. I should really start with Saga! Everyone loves that series but I find it so overwhelming. Also The Unwritten. Also, Fables.

  5. I just got Paper Girls and I'm going to start reading it soon. Awesome list by the way!

    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  6. This list was exactly what I needed for my Christmas wish list this year!! Thank you so much!!

  7. I've been loving Saga! So many here I need to try. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  8. I loved A Game for Swallows. That was so interesting. There's a sequel right? I need to read it. Have to look for some of these next time I go to the library!


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