
Sunday, November 20, 2016

Week in Review - Week 47

Random Thoughts

For the record, I may not have blogged the rest of the week every week, but I have managed to post every Sunday for 47 weeks now. I am pretty proud of this accomplishment and hope I make it to 52! I am glad to know that I can do one post a week and hopefully will stick with it for 2017. I highly doubt the multiple posts a week will last forever. I tend to do well for a while and then fizzle...

Graphic Novel Year

Nothing this week...

Currently Reading


Weekly Reads

Bookburners Season 1, Episode 12 & 13 ~ I continue to enjoy this series of stories that are written by different authors, but form one large work. I love anything to do with books, so I enjoy the bookish background that surrounds this series. I also am really enjoying the characters and the overall storyline. I look forward to more! Recommended!

Jackaby ~ I saw this around a bunch for R.I.P. this year and had to see what I thought of it. It was really good! I don't read a lot of mysteries, but set a mystery in history and have a strong female character... And, I am there. This novel is basically when the characters meet, so now we sort of have the framework of their supernatural adventures. I am really curious what happens next! Strongly recommended!

The Girl from Everywhere ~ When I heard that this was about time-travelling pirates, I knew I was going to have to check it out. It was one of the books that I got for my birthday and I am so glad that I checked it out! Another series with a strong female lead. But, pirates are really the thing that sets it above the other YA out there right now. Add in the time travelling and a well-written story and I am really glad I checked it out! The only thing bugging me is a possible love triangle.... Hopefully that doesn't happen! Strongly recommended!

New Additions

The Evil Wizard Smallbone
The Witches of New York
The Twelve Days of Dash & Lily
The Sea of Tranquility

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 46
Movie Month - Day 13
Nonfiction November - Book Pairing
Movie Month - Day 14
Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Favourite Films
Wordless Wednesday - Take 8
WWW Wednesday - On Thursday (7)
Movie Month - Days 15, 16, & 17
Movie Month - Day 18
Saturday Snapshot - Take 9
Movie Month - Day 19

Weekly Pictures


  1. Random Thought (again!): Don't beat yourself up on the blogging. You are here!!!! And like you said 47 weeks in a row! Nothing to sneeze at, lady ;).

    Love the last picture by the way. Our two cats are like that...a lot of the time too.

  2. Well, you post more than me. How's Every thing, Every Thing working as an audio book? I read it on my kindle and thought it wasn't working. I needed the paper book.

  3. I saw Jackaby a while ago and thought it looked interesting, but didn't get around to reading it at the time. Might have to pick it up later on :)

  4. One post a week is more than I've managed sometimes, so I think you are doing great. :-)

    I hope you enjoy Everything, Everything. I plan to start on The Sun is Also a Star tomorrow--if Mouse lets me. Haha. Jackaby is on my radar to consider reading. I hope you enjoy it.

    I hope you have a wonderful week, Kelly!

  5. Once a week is great!

  6. Some of the books in our recently acquired stacks are twin: hope you enjoy them as much as I have!

  7. Yay for The Girl from Everywhere!! I have been screaming about that book all over the place, partly because I loved it and partly because time-traveling pirates is such a great hook. I'm excited for the sequel next year and, like you, hoping the author does not go the love triangle route. WE'LL SEE.

  8. YA pirates? Okay. I'm in! What did you think of Everything, Everything? Jackaby Is one of those series I really want to get back to reading. I loved the first one so much and thought it was really clever.


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