
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week in Review - Week 48

Random Thoughts

I managed to actually read lately! Amazing. lol I hope it continues because I have read some really good stuff and want to continue to! I am not sure what else to even talk about because life is just kind of all over the place at the moment...

Graphic Novel Year

Nothing this week...

Currently Reading


Weekly Reading

Feedback ~ I actually finished this last week, but because of internet issues, I never got a chance to include it. I didn't like this as much as the original trilogy, but it was actually pretty good overall. I think the narrator did a good job considering the main character was Irish. I also liked how the book mixed in with the original series and filled in some blank spots. I assume there is more to come and I am curious how it will play out! Recommended!

The Marvels ~ I have loved Brian Selznick in the past, so I had to grab his most recent book. (It looks great on my shelves, by the way.) Then it just sort of sat there waiting for me to get around to reading it. I finally did on the weekend and I am so happy that I did! I was hesitant with his method at first, but when everything came together it was so much love! He is brilliant and touches on sensitive and serious issues, but manages to be magical in his approach. Strongly recommended!

Behind the Throne ~ I loved this book! It was such a great debut! I am glad it was brought to my attention. (The 2.99 price helped. lol) It was pretty much a plot-driven page turner, but the characters were interesting as well. I am looking forward to the sequel because of the up-coming plots and because of the characters. I want to know what happens next! Such a great read! Strongly recommended!!

The Magician's Elephant ~ I actually had read this book before and didn't remember. Clearly that is not a good indication of how well this reread went. lol It was actually an Audio Deal that I grabbed because of the price and the author. The audio was better than my read of it, but I bet you it will still not stick with me...

The Evil Wizard Smallbone ~ I am not sure where I even heard of this one, but I grabbed a copy and picked it up soon after it arrived. It was fun and was sort of making fun of classic fantasy novels and the wizards. I liked how things all came together as the novel progressed. A fun read. Recommended!

The Comet Seekers ~ After seeing this on a few lists after BEA, I was curious and preordered it. Then, I never saw any reviews, but I kept the order. I read this book in two days. It is a quiet novel, but I just loved it. I am not even sure I can put into words why. It just seemed to click with me and work at the time that it was needed. I loved the way that comets brought all the stories and characters together. Near the end I had some guesses that came true, but I think the foreshadowing was such that you should know. Loved this book. Strongly recommended!

New Additions

Nothing this week...

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 47
Wordless Wednesday - Take 9
WWW Wednesday - On Thursday (8)
Movie Month - Day 25
Saturday Snapshot - Take 10
Movie Month - Day 26

Weekly Pictures


  1. You might be the first person I saw who really liked The Marvels. I still haven't even read his second book but one day I'll get to that one!
    And I'm glad you liked The Evil Wizard Smallbone. I thought it was fun too and had Z read it and he liked it as well. I love that he's finally getting old enough that I can hand books off to him after I've read them! Just another couple of years until he's old enough for YA. ;)

  2. I love those quiet books that strike the right chord while reading. I think those make for more special reading than any blockbuster you could ever read.

    Have a great week!

  3. Yay for finding time to read! I haven't read much this weekend, unfortunately. Maybe tonight. The Comet Seekers sounds good. I hope you have a great week!

  4. Love the pics and you have done well with reading!

  5. Aww, cute photos! Great week of reading, too!

  6. Yay for reading!...and cats...speaking of, just watched a Canadian documentary on cats called The Lion In Your Living Room that made me think of you. If you can find it, it's worth watching. Wait, it's on YouTube! Here's the link:

  7. You managed a lot of reading - how do you do it with all those animals to admire and fawn over?! Hehe. I read The Marvels a couple of months back and absolutely loved it - I love the method in which the story was told. I hope you're having a great week :-)

  8. Yay for reading... I had two days off from work due to the holiday and somehow didn't read that much. November was just not a good month for reading. I hate it when that happens. Oh well, there's December! Love the pics.


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