
Friday, December 23, 2016

Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts

1. | I am kind of behind on everything lately. I am even starting to slack on blogging after doing pretty well with it this year. I should have taken a blogging break, but there are a few things that I want to do blogging-wise before the year ends. If you are wondering what happened to Countdown to Christmas and #AMonthofFaves, I have a post saved in draft from every time I sit down and try to catch-up. Maybe today will be the day!

2. | I mentioned it on Twitter, but not on here, but my blog turned 11 on the 16th! I very rarely remember to do anything for my blogiversary, but it happened!

3. | After lots of snow last week, it is looking like it is going to be another green Christmas unless something drastic changes. I like snow at Christmas and thought maybe it would happen this year because of last weeks craziness, but in our true fashion we got a lot of rain and washed it mostly away.

4. | I finished reading all of the Y: The Last Man comics this week. I had a lot of fun with the series and am one step closer to my goal of tackling my comics in 2017. That was my goal in 2016, so maybe 2017 will go better?

5. | I made a list of the books I want to pre-order next year and it is at like 25 books and that is mostly the first like 8 months of the year. Hopefully there will not be too much that I want in the second part of the year. I really need to buy less books next year compared to this year!

6. | I preordered Morning Glories Volume 10 in February of last year. The release date keeps changing and is now saying it will be out in January. Let's cross our fingers that it comes out because I did that big read of the series earlier this year and thought I was all prepared for it!

7. | One of our early Christmas presents was a gift card to the movies. Hoping it will be used to see the new Star Wars movie as soon as we can find the time!

8. | In 2017 I would really like to watch more television, movies, and listen to more music. I am pretty sure I say this every year. Maybe this year it will happen?

9. | I am thinking 2017 will also be a good year to get back into sending postcards. I really have stalled on that and I love postcards. I would like to send more snail mail in general and maybe will even send Christmas cards in 2017. (ha) Don't be surprised if I check in for updated addresses provided I actually go the post office and get stamps... That seems to be my issue. lol

10. | We are getting periodic flurries, so while I have been writing this Chloe has been sitting on my desk watching the snow out the window... It is better than climbing the Christmas tree!


  1. Happy belated blogoversary!

  2. Happy Blogoversary! I was promised snow for Christmas but it doesn't look like it's going to snow. I'm ok with it but it would feel a lot more christmas-y with snow. At least it's providing a distraction for Chloe.

  3. Happy Belated Bloggiversary! And, I'm behind on everything too. I've been thinking of connecting more via snail mail too so would love to hear more about what you end up doing next year.

  4. Happy blogging birthday! Now that you mention it, I realize I have once again missed my own blogging birthday -- nine years of blogging. It's kind of sobering -- like I am not so sure now that I want a record of all the idiot things I said about books and authors nearly a decade ago. Yet here we are. :p

  5. Happy blogiversary! 11 years is quite impressive! I remember when we met on those fantasy fiction forums so long ago... :-D


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