
Thursday, December 01, 2016

Countdown to Christmas & #AMONTHOFFAVES2016

These Are A Few of My Favourite Things

My fur balls. 2016 was rough in that I lost Casey and have pretty much accepted that she is not coming back. It still doesn't feel real. But, she will never be forgotten and Chloe has fit in nicely. If Casey does ever come back, I know they will get along fine.

Audiobooks. 2016 has become the year of the audiobook for me. Going on the treadmill has really improved my ankle and listening to audiobooks at the same time played a big part in it. I am hoping 2017 will be just as great! A quick flip through my read books this year shows I have listened to 33 audios. That is a good number for me and only started part way into the year.

E-Book Sales. Thanks to 1-day e-book sales, I was able to read books that I would not normally have had the chance to this year because hardcovers are way more expensive now than they used to be. So, instead of waiting for the paperback, I was able to grab a cheap e-book copy instead. (Or, listen to the audio.)

Planners. I did a bullet journal and then added in a Happy Planner. I am kind of finding it hard to keep up with the Happy Planner lately, life has been busy, but I have kept my Bullet Journal up all year except a couple days. It just took me a bit to figure out my method.

Litsy & Instagram. I love taking pictures and now I have two apps to do it with!

These are just a few of my favourite things... What are yours?

When do you begin listening to Christmas music or watching Christmas movies?

While I will listen to Christmas music here and there during November, I only officially start listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies on December 1st. After seeing how bad I am at movie watching, I am hoping to get to some older Christmas classics this year. Any suggestions? I should also check out some new music... I listen to the same stuff every year! 


  1. 2016 has been my first foray into audio books. I listened to 3. Not much but it's a start.

  2. So many good things! I'm so glad your ankle is coming along, and that is a stunning number of ebooks! <3

  3. I'm glad you were able to keep up with with your bullet journal. I've been keeping up with mine too since I started in July. I love it, honestly. It's really cathartic!

  4. LOVE your kitty cat. I'm a kitty cat fan as well. 3 of them at my house and they basically run it!

    I'm listening to Amy Gentry's Good As Gone on audio currently and LOVING it!

  5. I'm a big audiobook lover too. Sometimes that's all I can manage.

  6. Bleh, I mean, I know that I have said this a hundred times, but I am still so sorry about Casey. That's so hard. A million hugs!


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