
Friday, December 16, 2016

Countdown to Christmas & #AMonthofFaves2016

Favorite Christmas songs or albums from your growing up years...

I always really enjoyed The Muppets. Still do!!

Favorite movies or Christmas specials from your growing up years...

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Muppet Christmas Carol
Mickey's Christmas Carol
A Charlie Brown Christmas
Frosty the Snowman

Favorite present(s) from your growing up years...

Books! I was always happy when I actually got some. I remember sitting off in a corner while family was visiting and reading whatever I got on the sly. My family was a bit slow understanding that was really what I wanted...

Favorite present(s) from recent years....

Okay, it is a bit materialistic, but my Canon Camera is my favourite gift over the last few years. And, books... Always books. lol

Favorite Christmas songs or albums currently...

December goes so fast! I have only really checked out the Pentatonix new album. Otherwise, it is the old favourites. For some reason I really like Amy Grant's Christmas albums and have been listening to them for years. Then, I still listen to the Muppets. lol

Favorite Christmas movies or specials currently...

I have not watched a single Christmas movie. December is going too fast. :(


5 Books on Our Winter Reading List #AMonthofFaves2016

After really enjoying Age of Myth, I really want to read his older stuff. Thanks to audio sales, I have this trilogy and I am really excited to check it out. I have been saving it for winter listens.

I really liked this book and a couple of the sequels. I have been meaning to reread the early books and catch-up as I own all the audios. I am hoping to start this project in 2017 and it would be nice if it was a winter project of sorts.

Otherwise, 2017 is hopefully going to be a tackle the TBR pile year, so, while I have nothing set in concrete at the moment, I have hopes!

Best Changes We Made This Year

Less pressure. If I read, I read. If I blog, I blog. If my house is perfect, my house is perfect. Instead of looking at the big picture all the time, I just worry about the smaller things that make up the larger thing. And, it seems to be working out well. I read a lot this year and that included reading slumps. I blogged more than I have in a few years. My house is not perfect, but it has been cleaner to the point where there are moments where I don't feel like I should be cleaning instead of doing something fun. I still have stressful moments where I would love to accomplish more than I do, you can see it in my blog posts, but it is more relaxed than previous years and that is what matters!

5 Fave “New to Me” Author Discoveries or Audiobook Narrations This Year

Okay, so this was a recent Top Ten Tuesday topic and you can see my 10 picks on my post.

If I had to narrow the 10 to 5, it would be hard... Let's see...

Helen Sedgwick
Mira Grant
Michael J. Sullivan
V.E. Schwab
Jay Kristoff


  1. I love the new Pentatonix Christmas album too. It's so great!

  2. I can't quite get my family to get that books really would be the best gift choice for me. Sigh! I'm glad you had a less stressful year.

    1. It took years and I don't think I am getting any books this year. Just the audios from the Audible sale and that was a very directed purchase. lol

  3. Books always make some of the best presents for us bookworms, naturally! And I don't think your camera is a materialistic item as such, because you're able to capture a number of meaningful memories and moments from the item.

    We've made similar changes in 2016 in regards to taking the pressure of things - life is to short to be stressed and overwhelmed.

    1. Now if I only used my camera more. lol I find myself mostly using my phone.

  4. The Muppets is one of my favorite Christmas albums, too!


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