
Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read for the First Time in 2016

Helen Sedgwick - This is her debut, but it was one of my favourite reads of the year and I am looking forward to more from her in the future!

Mira Grant - I have been meaning to read her forever and finally read 4 books by her this year, plus one more under Seanan McGuire. All were pretty great and I look forward to exploring her more!

Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff - I really enjoyed Illuminae and Gemini. I also read Nevernight by Kristoff on his own and am excited about the sequel.

Michael J. Sullivan - After wanting to forever, I finally read Sullivan with his most recent novel. I have another one of his trilogies to check on via audio thanks to Audible sales, so hoping to get to him over the winter. And then the sequel to this will be out next year.

M.R. Carey - Based on this book, I am intrigued on more from Carey. That being said, I still haven't got around to getting a copy of the new book. oops!

V.E. Schwab - This book and the sequel were two of my favourite reads of the year. I really must get to some of her back list and cannot wait for book 3!

Amber Sparks - I am not a huge short story reader, but I have loved Amber Sparks so far. Hopefully she tries for a novel one day.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - This should be required reading. It was about time I checked this author out!

Carol Rifka Brunt - Another important novel that I am glad I finally got to this year. Look forward to more from this author, too!

Geneviere Valentine - I have been meaning to read Valentine forever. This book made me curious about all over her back list and look forward to where she goes next!

Top Ten Tuesday is Hosted at The Broke and the Bookish


  1. Jay Kristoff has quickly become one of my go-to authors. If he keeps it up, he will become an auto-buy for me. I adored Nevernight. The wait for the sequel is going to be agony!

  2. I'm looking forward to Sullivan's follow-up to The Age of Myth.

  3. I had a little bit of struggle with A Darker Shade of Magic and I really wanted to love it! But some other blogger told me that the author's book are always slow in the beginning and they get really good towards the end.So I am going to pick it up and finish it.
    My TTT.

  4. M. R. Care key was new to me too. Now I want to read Fellside. I need to read Mira Grant too.

  5. I really want to read Illuminae. I've heard such great things about it. And, VE Schwab has been on my TBR list forever. I need to read one of hers and I'll admit that A Darker Shade of Magic is at the top of the list of hers to read first.

  6. The Girls of Kingfisher Club is one I really wanted to read but then for some reason forgot all about it. Thanks for the reminder! A Darker Shade of Magic and Age of Myths both look fantastic!

  7. I have seen the cover of The Age of Myth quite a lot and I always supposed it was a LoTR companion ! I just read the synopsis on goodreads and it sounds very promising.I'm happy to have fallen on your blog, will be following through bloglovin. cheers!

  8. I have not read any of these authors! I want to try Sedgwick and Schwab at least.

  9. I haven't read any of these although I am a fan of Chimamanda's writing. I definitely want to read this book.

  10. I want to read all of these books and authors! I have read one, at least: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. And I want to read more by her.

  11. I read V.E. Schwab for the first time this year, too! I read "This Savage Song", and even though it wasn't my favorite - it definitely made me want to read her adult fiction novels. Glad to hear you enjoyed them, too!


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