
Sunday, December 25, 2016

Week in Review - Week 52

Random Thoughts

Merry Christmas to those that celebrate! It seems silly to be posting this on Christmas day, but I had to make it to week 52 with posting every Sunday. So, here I am! I am hoping to accomplish the same thing in 2017. I am finding I am pretty busy and am behind in blogging in general, so I am going to actually take the week off and then will be back with the first Week in Review of 2017 and will look back on December and 2016 in general. I think I have blogged too much lately and need to step away.

Graphic Novel Year

Y: The Last Man - Volume 5: Ring of Truth
Y: The Last Man - Volume 6: Girl on Girl
Y: The Last Man - Volume 7: Paper Dolls
Y: The Last Man - Volume 8: Kimono Dragon
Y: The Last Man - Volume 9: Motherland
Y: The Last Man - Volume 10: Whys and Wherefores

Currently Reading

Nothing... Haven't had time to dedicate to anything longer.


I finished my current listen this morning, so now to decide what is next!

Weekly Reading

Y: The Last Man - Volumes 5 to 10 ~ I am so happy that I reread and read this series in 2016! I started it in 2012 and apparently just never got around to the rest of the volumes, so I settled in and read straight through. It was perfect for the 'end of the world' type year that 2016 was... And, Vaughan is always awesome! If you haven't checked this series out, I definitely recommend it! One of the best I have read!

New Additions

Nothing this week...

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 51
Wordless Wednesday - Take 13
May Your Wishes Come True - A Christmas Eve Q & A


  1. Hurrah for completing your Sunday posting! Not silly at all. It's great for those of us with downtime to have something good to read :)

    Hope you enjoy your time away to catch up on your reading and all. That's what I'm hoping to do but somehow I don't see a lot of progress being made. Maybe I need to step away from the computer :) Merry Christmas!

  2. I hope your Christmas was merry and bright!

  3. Congratulations on accomplishing your goal! I don't think it is silly at all. Here's to a successful 2017!

  4. It doesn't seem silly having shared this on Christmas Day; dedication to your commitment. I think it's great that you're going to continue this in the new year. Good idea taking a step back from blogging for now - you've been busy here over the past couple of months or so.

    I hope you had a lovely Christmas, and I wish you a wonderful new year.


Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

I am so sorry, but I turned anonymous commenting off. I have had it from the very beginning, but that is how the spam is getting by my spam filter at the moment. If it is a big deal I will turn it back on and moderate all comments. I also changed moderation from older than 14 days to older than 7.