
Friday, January 06, 2017

Books, Life, & Everything Else (1)

1. | Hope everyone is enjoying 2017! This last week has been interesting. Chloe had some bathroom issues two nights this week and needed a bath. Finn seemed to be upset about her being upset and was kind of a prick. We honestly shaved some hair off of the kittens back region (with scissors because I couldn't do a razor, she squirms) and Finn was playing with her tonight. Life returning to normal! lol

2. | I am thinking about all the things that I would like to do this year. I really want to use my actual camera more. I have all sorts of books and things for bettering myself and I end up using my phone for everything. Lazy me! I also want to work on my Mount TBR, blog at least once a week, and send postcards again. I rejoined Postcrossing and my first batch of postcards are in the mail!

3. | I have also been looking for more relaxing hobbies. To achieve that I have started making puzzles again, although with a kitten that is not always as relaxing as I would hope, and I have bought a few Lego sets. I am having fun honestly. I used to make puzzles with my grandparents and it has resurfaced off and on over the years. The Lego is something I have never really done other than building sets for my little brother when he was really too little, and disinterested, to do so.

4. | The other relaxing hobbies mean that my reading is not off to a running start and I don't really mind all that much. I would like to get to my Mount TBR, but it is honestly normal for me to have a quieter reading year after a busy one. It could change, but I am still listening to audiobooks and reading here and there. It could be a lot worse!

5. | I continue the Bullet Journal, Day by Day Journal, and the Q & A: A Day quest this year. The good thing about writing notes about my day in the Bullet Journal everyday is that when I fall behind on my Day by Day Journal, I have a reference to remember what I did each day. lol

6. | I am trying to take a picture a day on Instagram. I suck a this quest and usually miss a day here and there, but let's try again! At least I have two cats, a dog, and a bunch of books as subject matters on the boring days. (Especially this time of the year where it is cold and you don't necessarily want to go take pictures outside...) If you don't follow me on there, I am bookishnerd.

7. | I kind of fell out of the habit of Litsy near the end of the year, so I am also trying to get that to be a habit because I really like the app. There are just not enough hours in a day, people.

8. | I honestly read Volume 6 of Ms. Marvel last night, only to discover I had not actually read Volume 5. Now I know why I was kind of confused. The series was one that I caught up on last year, but it was after that time that Volume 5 came out. So, now I need to read Volume 5 and see what I missed.

9. | I bought a new iPod for myself as my Christmas present to myself. It is kind of a splurge for me, but my other one was broken and old and I use it daily. The iPod stopped updating over a year ago so I couldn't update any of my apps or add any new ones. I only got it yesterday and I am all ready in love. The difference is amazing when you can get updated versions of things.

10. | I will eventually wrap up 2016. I know I will enjoy having it to look back on, but I am struggling to commit to my post. By the time I get it up, next week at this point, no one will really care, but it is what it is!


  1. I hope you can find what makes you happy either with the puzzles, the camera or whatever. I am trying to finish what I start not to leave things half done.

  2. I love jigsaw puzzles and had been keeping one out for a few months. We had company over the holidays so I put all that away but I need to pull them back out. Happy New Year!

  3. I go through crazed phases of jigsaw puzzles every once in a while. The good thing is that you can do the same ones over after a while. I should use my iPod more, like to listen to books. I keep saying that is a goal and then forgetting! LOL

  4. I'm not ready to wrap up 2016 yet either; I'm actually just about ready for the holidays now! Almost.....

    Hope there's much satisfaction and contentment ahead for you in 2017!

  5. Yay for hobbies! One of the things I am so glad I did towards the end of last year was start working on cross-stitch again. It is a wonderful hobby for me - exacting to soothe my perfectionist tendencies and great for when I am in front of the TV as I cannot sit down without something in my hands. It is much better to have that than my phone playing mindless games.

    I can't wait to see your pictures! I'm trying to get better about using Litsy too. I recently deleted Snapchat on my phone because it was such a mindsuck and I never ever used it other than to follow others. I have even managed to scroll through IG and Twitter only a few times during the day now rather than every few minutes. It is amazing how stepping away from social media for a few hours can make a difference in your mental health!

  6. I understand about there not being enough hours in the day. I love puzzles but I haven't done one for ages. I also love Legos, so I hope you enjoy that new hobby. I used to love Litsy, but I got kind of tired of it. I may need to check it out again myself. I'm glad you have things to look forward to in 2017! I hope you have a wonderful year!

  7. I haven't done any puzzles in forever but I do remember having fun with those! Sounds like a good relaxing hobby! Love that Happy New Year pic. Super cute.

  8. HOW DO YOU DO THREE JOURNALS, I am seriously in awe right now. I can't even maintain the most basic of day planners, let alone THREE.


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