
Friday, January 13, 2017

Books, Life, & Everything Else (2)

1. | I am sitting here blogging and also writing up postcards to send on postcrossing. I just did up one for the Czech Republic and now am doing Germany. My issue has never been writing up the cards. It is simply I never have stamps and they sit around waiting for me to get some. The plan is to do these up and then go to the post office after a bit and get whatever stamps are necessary. If I make that a habit, maybe I can keep up the postcard sending. We will see how that goes. I really enjoy receiving postcards and definitely have to make rearranging my postcards a priority for this year because there is no organization anymore.

2. | At the beginning of the year, I decided to start The Others series by Anne Bishop. I am on the third book! I definitely plan to get book 4 later in the month and then book 5 is out in March. I apparently am better at series if I do the audio instead of reading them...

3. | I am trying to clean off some short story and essay collections from my shelves. I am atrocious at both. I have two short story collections on the go right now and just read a story from each every day. One I started last year, but then neglected. The other is me finally checking out Tad Williams. Hopefully that will mean reading some of his longer works later this year.

4. | My novel reading is going so slowly. January is usually a good reading month for me, but I seem to be mostly reading graphic novels and listening to my audio. I hope I can get back on track soon because this is supposed to be the year of the TBR!

5. | I am pretty sure that I spend more time fixing my puzzles after Chloe has tore through than actually making any progress on the puzzle itself. Puzzle making with cats is an adventure! I am hoping she will lose interest because I have two puzzles that I really want to make and they will not fit on my the table I have been using, so I will likely have to take over the kitchen table for a while. We will see how that goes...

6. | Speaking of Chloe, we live in an old house and we tend to have a fly issue. She found one in the bathroom and fell in the toilet trying to catch it. (It was flushed.) She has now fell in the bath tub and the toilet. It did not stop her from trying to catch the fly.

7. | I feel like I am getting better at this purging thing. I cleaned out some random stuff in my mother's basement yesterday. I need to do more at my own house, but that always seems to be the case. I got rid of a bunch of books last week and my bookshelves look much better!

8. | So far compared to last year, my book buying has been pretty quiet for January. Hopefully I can keep this up all year!


  1. Sorry January have been great novel wise but if you're listening to audio books and reading GNs, I think you're doing great! Sorry about the puzzle situation. It's not possible for me with my cats and they're not even kittens.

  2. Yeah, cats and puzzles don't mix. LOL

  3. I'm pushing a cat away from the keyboard as I read--can't imagine trying to do a puzzle!

  4. Have fun with the puzzles and fighting to keep Chloe away! Sounds like she's a handful :)


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