
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Top Ten 2016 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn't Get To (But TOTALLY plan to)

Top Ten Tuesday

Okay, so I bought too many books in 2016. It was a crappy year and I did way too much retail therapy, folks. I have cut 2017 down to the bare minimums and am making my unofficial reading resolution to read the books I bought last year and then never got to. I made a list and it scares me... So, let's see what 10 of them are!

Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood ~ Margaret and I have a love/hate relationship. I either love her books or can't stand them. This one sounded like a potential love situation, so I grabbed a copy.

The Witches of New York by Ami McKay ~ I love McKay's previous books, so I had to grab a copy of this one. Plus, she is a local author living not too far from me. So, must support the local authors. In 2017, Canada turns 150, so I really want to read more Canadian authors this year. 

Dark Matter by Blake Crouch ~ This was kind of everywhere last year, so I definitely wanted to give it a try. It has been on best of 2016 lists, too, so now to actually read it. (I actually started it at one point, but something else crowded it out...)

The Muse by Jessie Burton ~ I finally read The Miniaturist in 2016. I was all excited to listen to this one on audio, too, but for some reason there is no audio of this one. And, I asked, no immediate plans for one. So, reading it is the option. If it is like her first book, that could take a while... But, aiming to read it this year!

This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab ~ After reading, and loving, other books by Schwab, I definitely wanted to check out this series. I have heard it is not quite as good, but still should give it a try for myself. 

The View from the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman ~ I really enjoy collections like this, so I had to grab Gaiman's. I started it, but I am also really bad with short works and working them in around everything else I am attempting to do. I really must get back to it!

Fire Touched by Patricia Briggs ~ Normally a new book by Briggs has me super excited and the book is read ASAP. Who am I that almost a year later, this is still unread. I don't think I have been behind in this series since I started reading it. And, there is a new book out in March, I believe. Must get back on track!

The Obelisk Gate by N.K. Jemisin ~ Typical me. I loved Book 1 and still have not read this one. I am deplorable with series no matter how excited I am about the releases... Book 3 is out this year, so let's get on track!

Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova ~ This one was around a bit and it sounds really good. I also love cover. Now to read it!

The Queen of Blood by Sarah Beth Durst ~ When I read a review of this, I knew it sounded like a 'me' book. I even started it at the end of last year, but novels are just not working for me lately and it just sat unread. Hopefully I can pick it up soon and get caught up in it!

And, well, there are others... What books did you not get to in 2016 that you are hoping to get to this year?


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm the same way with Margaret Atwood's books! I did really enjoy Hag-Seed though - and Dark Matter - and Obelisk Gate ... which is the book I'd suggest you run out and read ASAP :-)

  2. I have the same feelings about Atwood's books. So far the only one I really liked was The Handmaid's Tale.

  3. I know all too well about retail therapy. And books I keep meaning to read. I would be afraid to make a list of mine that are still waiting. I know I would not be able to limit it to ten!

    Now, go read Dark Matter!! ;)

  4. I've got two books from last year's purchasing which I must read before I am allowed to purchase any others (a habit I've worked at long and hard, having once bought 100s of books a year but continued to read other things instead), an NK Jemisin (the third in the Inheritance trilogy) and a graphic novel (the "Black Panther". I'll get to them soon, because I have my eye on some others I'd like to add to my shelves!

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one behind in the Mercy Thompson series! I really need to catch up!

  6. There are some beautiful covers here! Good luck reading more from your stacks.

  7. Hag Seed looks really good and somehow I have never read a Margaret Atwood book! I read The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman in 2016 and have really been wanting to read more by him. Great list!

  8. I hope you like Dark Matter. It was one of my favorites from last year! I look forward to your review. :)


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