
Sunday, January 08, 2017

Week in Review - Week 2


The picture above is another reality this morning! We were supposed to get 40 cms of snow last night and into today. I think 10 cms is still forthcoming, but I am not sure really what will end up happening. Needless to say, we have a bunch of snow at the moment. It is the first real snowfall of winter; as our last couple storms were technically still the spring. We were told it was going to be a bad winter, but I think with the huge lull in storms, people thought the predictions were wrong. I guess we will see what happens. If it is like the year they are comparing it to from a couple years ago, there will still be snow in May. We still do not really get winters like we did when I was a child and even less than people older than me got as a child. And yet, I am pretty sure they cancel school more now than they ever did when we had real crazy winters.

I finally have my year-end post done for tomorrow. I just really struggled to settle in with it and it is kind of thrown together, but it is done! Hopefully I will look forward to recapping 2017 more than I did 2016. So far 2017 is quiet. If not for audiobooks, I wouldn't be reading at all. Usually January is one of my best reading months of the year, but I just can't seem to settle in with anything. This time last year I was not doing audiobooks, so I guess I wouldn't be reading at all if it was 2016. Hopefully I get out of this rut soon and get to some of the books on my shelves. There are so many I am excited about. It could be because I normally get a gift card for Christmas and buy books, so January is usually a very heavy book receiving month. I am trying to cut back on book purchases this year, though, so I used my gift cards on other things. Hopefully I didn't kill my reading by this decision!

We had to shave the kitten's back end. Apparently this is a common practice, but I have never had to do it before with a cat. Since then there have been no more messes, but she didn't like the hair cut. I do not look forward to having to do it again. I told the guy a long haired cat was a lot different than our two short hairs, but he was like she is so cute, though. Remember that at 2 in the morning when we are trying to give her a bath and she is screaming like we are torturing her... It traumatised poor Finn. He hid in the cat house for two days. He only came around after the baths stopped. If I ever have to give Finn a bath, predict the world to end. He would not cooperate at all. I can not even imagine trying that. lol

Currently Reading

Technically this, but I am still really early into it because of the whole hardly reading thing...


I really thought I would finish this yesterday, but my listening time dried up later in the day. I am really enjoying it!

Weekly Reading

Bloodline by Claudia Gray ~ Finished January 1, 2017 ~ My first read of 2017 was my last read of 2016. I almost had it finished, but had technical issues that pushed it into 2017. So, I started 2017 with a bang. This is the first time I have read a book set in the Star Wars Universe in years. And, I loved it. I have enjoyed Claudia Gray's writing in the past, but she did the vampire thing and I was sick of vampires. This reminded me that she really is a wonderful writer and I really should read more of her. It is still early days, but I anticipate this book to make my Best of 2017 post. The audio was awesome, too. I really enjoyed the narrator and the sound effects. I definitely want to check out more Star Wars books! - Strongly Recommended!

Ms. Marvel - Volume 6: Civil War II by G. Willow Wilson, etc. ~ Finished January 5, 2017 ~ Funny story. I am trying to read the books that enter my house as they enter my house. So, this book came out in December and I got my copy early in January. I settled in with it the other night and was so confused. I was thinking I caught up on Ms. Marvel in 2016, it was not that long ago, why can't I remember anything? Oh, because apparently I never actually read Volume 5. oops! So, I am reading Volume 5 now and had hoped it would make this wrap-up, too, but guess my reading is just really slow so far this year. I always enjoy Ms. Marvel, but hopefully it will make a bit more sense to me soon! - Recommended!

Written in Red - The Others, Book 1 by Anne Bishop ~ Finished January 6, 2017 ~ I decided to check out some of the books that I got back in the Audible Black Friday sale this week. Full disclosure, I own the first two books in this series all ready, but just never got around to reading them. I had heard that the audio performance on this series was really good, though, so I decided to take advantage of the sale. Thankfully, they were worth the mini-splurge. I really enjoyed this book and the narration. I get a bit burned out on paranormal type books, but this series is well-written and a bit original enough to appeal. And, I guess it just was the right time for it because I flew through this book pretty fast. I am not sure I would like the audio narrator for everything, but for Meg Corbyn, the main character, she is perfect. And, she does well with the rest of the cast. But, she is kind of a quiet speaker and I am not sure that would work well to keep your attention for everything. For now, I am really enjoying this series and look forward to more! - Strongly recommended!

New Additions

Ms Marvel - Volume 6: Civil War II

Weekly Posts

Week in Review - Week 1


  1. Ms Marvel is on my binge-reading list for this year, having recently decided to get serious about some graphic novel reading once more. I'll make sure not to miss book five!

  2. We don't usually get snow in May but it's happened before. I'm getting a bit tired of the snow. I still prefer it to summer though. I haven't done my 2016 wrap up either. I just can't get myself to sit down and do it. At least you've finished some books this year so far. I barely finished one yesterday.

  3. I keep looking at all the snow in the east and south and then out our window. We have not had snow since before Christmas, which is not unusual. The number of frigid days we have had already this year is unusual. I would much rather have the snow.

    I wouldn't worry about your so-called lack of reading. Audiobooks DO count, so you are reading. Maybe just not in the format you would like but it all counts.

  4. I really, really need to start reading the Bishop series as well as so many readers seem to love it! I love that one of the books you finished already may make your favorites list for the year- that is the way to start off a new year of reading right! Good luck with all that snow! We haven't had as much as usual but it sure is cold enough :)

  5. Oh wow, that is so much snow! It looks so pretty. It was really cold here this weekend but by tomorrow we will be back in the 80s. Crazy.


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