
Wednesday, March 01, 2017

February in Review (2017)

Looking Back

February was an interesting month. It seemed like after a mild winter, winter arrived. But then it went away again and the temperatures got mild again. As I write this, most of the snow is gone and there is none in the forecast. It has been a weird winter! Normally February is my least favourite month of the year because while it is the shortest, it is usually the worst weather wise. This year it was just a continuation of January in that I cannot seem to get my head in the game and on track for things. It got better as the month ended so hopefully March will be more on track!

One big change to start out this year as opposed to last year is that I was not really listening to audios for the first part of 2016. I have been curious how reading them all year will affect my reading overall. What has happened is my 'regular' reading has slowed down and without audios I would hardly be reading anything. Interesting how that works out! And, I slowed down on audios even in February, but seem to be back on track now. I am getting better and better at working audios into other things that I do normally. When I first started I only listened to them on the treadmill.

Otherwise, Chloe continues to grow and have adventures. Mackie got to play with his 'uncle' Henry a bunch. Finn continues to ignore me unless he wants something. The usual. I try not to, but I still hope to open the door and find Casey waiting for me to let her in. I am not sure if I will ever entirely get over her loss. I hate not knowing what happened to her and it just makes me feel guilty. I actually have never lost an animal and not known what happened to them before, so I think that is a lot of it. And the fact that she was never supposed to be an outdoor cat, but wanted to be one so badly. This whole scenario is why I never wanted her to be an outdoor cat.

I never meant this to turn so uncheerful. Let's move on!

The Books

17. All-New X-Men: Inevitable - Volume 1: Ghosts of Cyclops by Dennis Hopeless (graphic novel) - 136 pages
18. All-New X-Men: Inevitable - Volume 2: Apocalypse Wars by Dennis Hopeless (graphic novel) - 120 pages
19. Black Science - Volume 1: How to Fall Forever by Rick Remender (graphic novel) - 152 pages
20. Morning Glories - Volume 10 by Nick Spencer (graphic novel) - 176 pages
21. Shrill: Notes From a Loud Woman by Lindy West (e-book) - 260 pages
22. Mirror: The Mountain by Emma Rios (graphic novel) - 184 pages
23. Mockingbird - Volume 1: I Can Explain by Chelsea Cain (graphic novel) - 136 pages
24. Tank Girl: Two Girls One Tank by Alan C. Martin (graphic novel) - 128 pages
25. Paper Girls - Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan (graphic novel) - 128 pages
26. Marked in Flesh (The Others, Book 4) by Anne Bishop (audio) - 15 hours, 21 minutes
27. The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher - 257 pages
28. Miniatures: The Very Short Fiction of John Scalzi by John Scalzi (e-book) - 142 pages
29. Passing Strange by Ellen Klages (e-book) - 131 pages
30. Binti (Binti, Book 1) by Nnedi Okorafor (e-book) - 96 pages
31. Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders (audio) - 7 hours, 25 minutes
32. Kindred Spirits by Rainbow Rowell (e-book) - 96 pages
33. X-Factor - Volume 1: The Longest Night by Peter David (graphic novel) - 144 pages
34. False Hearts (False Hearts, Book 1) by Laura Lam (audio) - 11 hours, 9 minutes
35. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (audio) - 3 hours, 59 minutes
36. The Invisible Library (The Invisible Library, Book 1) by Genevieve Cogman (audio) - 10 hours, 31 minutes

The Source

Marvel - 3
Humble Bundle - 3
Bought - 5
E-Book - 4
Audible - 5

Series Talk

Morning Glories - 10/10 - Caught up!
Mockingbird - 1/1
Tank Girl - 1/1
Paper Girls - 2/2 - Caught up!
The Others Series - 4/4 - Caught up!
Binti - 1/2
False Hearts - 1/1
The Invisible Library - 1/3


Marked in Flesh (The Others, Book 4) by Anne Bishop
Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders
False Hearts (False Hearts, Book 1) by Laura Lam
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
The Invisible Library (The Invisible Library, Book 1) by Genevieve Cogman

Books Added to the TBR Pile

Mockingbird - Volume 1: I Can Explain
Tank Girl - Two Girls One Tank - Collection 1
The Princess Diarist
The March Trilogy
A Darkness Absolute: A Rockton Thriller
A Conjuring Light
Gilded Cage


  1. Congrats on catching up with so many series. Now, there's some closure for you! :)

  2. I really need to catch up on Morning Glories. I'm so far behind!

  3. I'm with you on the outdoor cat thing. I never wanted my grey cat to be an outdoor cat but she never really gave us a choice. She was so determined that it finally felt mean to keep her inside. I still look for her but it's been months and I know she isn't coming back. I feel guilty too because just a few days before we realized she was missing I mentioned to my husband that she looked a little thinner and we needed to take her to the vet and make sure she was okay. It does make me feel better that I think she was much happier catching mice and laying in the sun than she would have been inside 24/7. So many books! I have The Invisible Library coming up and I'm super excited about it! Hope March is fantastic!

  4. I'm not sure if listening to audio books would up my numbers. I listened to a few last year but I don't think it helped me read more. :(
    I have a kitty that is an indoor kitty but she really wants to go outside a lot. I let her but keep a close eye on her. I'd be so devastated if she went missing. It's so hard when they love being outside not to let them out.

  5. Wishing you a wonderful March!

  6. I need to finish some series. I have plans to this year. Congrats on getting through so many this month. And, it looks like you've had some fun reads!

  7. February is also usually my least-favorite month, but this one went by so fast!

  8. This has indeed been a weird February. The weather here has been so up and down that I never know what damn clothes to lay out for the next day or what pajamas to wear to bed. Last night I woke up freezing and was so sure that it was hot outside that I refused to put additional blankets on myself so I just lay there being really, really cold until it was time to wake up.

  9. I have plenty of weeks when my only reading is via audio so I know where you're coming from. It has really been a weird winter, hasn't it?

  10. March is usually my least favorite month, so we will see what happens. I suspect I will be too busy to notice much of it.

    Did you know the fourth book in The Invisible Library series is coming out soon? I'm SO excited!


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