Friday, November 23, 2012

Thankfully Reading Weekend 2012

I was thinking this was the perfect way to get some actual reading in this weekend. Joining in on the Thankfully Reading Weekend. I didn't have a lot of time to start yesterday, but it would be nice to read the next three days.

If I were to accomplish this, some of the things I am thinking of reading are:
Finish Farthing by Jo Walton
Fatale - Book 1: Death Chases Me by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips (Graphic Novel)
The Unwritten - Volume 6: Tommy Taylor and the War of Words by Mike Carey (Graphic Novel)
Saga - Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples (Graphic Novel)
Catch up on my Fairest comics
Start Punk Rock Jesus by Sean Murphy

Then, if I manage to accomplish that, the sky is the limit.

What are your reading plans for the weekend?


  1. Have a great read-a-thon. Graphic novels are a great idea - I don't tend to read them myself but they're ideal for a long weekend reading. I'm finishing off two books I started already and then I hope to read another one or two.

    Have fun!

  2. Im playing it by here and just relaxing with it. So far did one Harlequin Thanksgiving morning, read another short story in the Hollows In the Woods, and so far today haven't done any reading. Eek! I took a long nap could be one of the big reasons :)

  3. Have fun and I hope that you're able to get to a lot of those books!!

  4. No big plans. I'm reading a cat book, The Cat Who Came Back for Christmas (which is more appropriately entitled, A Friend Like Ben in the UK). I'm enjoying it. I went through a bit of a slump so it's nice to finally be back in the swing of reading. Hope you enjoy your reading weekend!

  5. Oooh…so much good stuff to read! I'm going to try to get as much read as I can this weekend too! But that may just be finishing a book :p

  6. I'm supposed to be participating as well but I haven't even opened up my current read since last Wednesday. Yikes! I have spent lots of time with the family and decorated for Christmas so there are some good reasons why :) Good luck and I hope that you are faring better than I!


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