Monday, July 24, 2006

My apologies...

I apologize for the lack of reading and reviewing I have done this month. It has not been a very good month. I was drifting away from my boyfriend and ended up breaking up with him yesterday. I am still coming to terms with it because we have been together for quite some time and I am not totally sure I made the right choice. I will be better as I adapt to being single. Hopefully August will be better.


  1. Oh honey. (((Kailana)))

    Hope things get better soon.

  2. They are actually. Me and my (ex) boyfriend have been talking. Brief conversations here and there, nothing too hasty and I think that taking a break was the smartest thing for us. It might turn out that it won't have to be permanent. *crosses fingers* We just were having problems and not fixing them, because we only have a day off together like twice a month. The rest is brief moments here in there where instead of fixing problems, we try to enjoy our time together. It caught up with us.

  3. Well it's good you're talking. I know it sound cliche but communication is so important. Sometimes I forget it in my marriage, sometimes I take for granted he always knows what I'm thinking and vice versa. I hope things work out, sounds like you really love this guy.

  4. Yeah, we are going to back to basics and see where that takes us. :)

  5. Sometimes you just need a break in order to sort things out, get priorities straight and that kind of thing. Hopefully things will sort themselves out for you the way they are supposed to be.

  6. I hope so too. Thanks for taking the time to stop in, hope everything is well with you, or as well as it can be.


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