Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Something Blue - Emily Griffin [August/06]

I read Something Borrowed earlier this year. This is the sequel to that novel.

From the back:

Darcy Rhone thought she had it all figured out: the more beautiful the girl, the more charmed her life. Never mind substance. Never mind playing by the rules. Never mind karma.

But Darcy's neat, perfect world truns upside down when her best friend, Rachel White, the plain-Jane "good girl" steals her fiance, while Darcy finds herself completely alone for the first time in her life.... with a baby on the way.

Darcy tries to recover, fleeing to her childhood friend living in London and resorting to her tried-and-true methods for getting what she wants. But as she attempts to re-create her glamorous life on a new continent, Darcy finds that her rules no longer apply. It is only then that she can begin her journey toward self-awarness, forgiveness, and motherhood.

SOMETHING BLUE is a novel about one woman's surprising discoveries about the true meaning of friendship, love, and happily-ever-after. It's a novel for anyone who has ever, even secretly, wondered if the last thing you want is really the one thing you need.

I just couldn't get into this bok, I admit I was probably guilty of skimming my way through it. I didn't mind Something Borrowed, maybe because the main character was not super annoying. But, Darcy annoyed me. I think someone that really likes chick-lit or romance, you might like this, but for me it was not an enjoyable read.



  1. I've got Something Borrowed out from the library at the moment. I have never read any of her books before.

  2. I've just finished "Something borrowed" and I'm not sure whether I want to read Darcy's rambling in the sequel. I didnt't enjoy the last 2 chapters where Darcy talked about how she saw the situation, but I guess I'll give it a try.


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