Monday, September 18, 2006

Jovah's Angel - Sharon Shinn [September/06]

I am going to post my fantasy reviews on "Twisted Kingdom", but I am still going to put the title, a picture, and a link to the post here. More to keep track of what I read in one place than any other reason. Also, any fantasy books I get from Random House, I will review in both places, as this is the blog that Random House is sending the books to.

Anyways, the link: here


  1. Anonymous2:04 AM

    I'm very tempted to follow the link and read your review, but I'm making myself wait so I'd better hurry up and finish Angel-Seeker so I can get onto Jovah's Angel!

  2. The link didn't work for me!! Boo-hoo!

  3. I couldn't get the link to work either.

  4. I am going to start the Alleluia Files today. And I am going to fix the link. Wonder what I did....

  5. The link is working, wll for me it is. LOL. Loved the review! Tempted to start on book one hehehe.

  6. That's because I fixed the link this morning. It looked right, I still don't know why it wasn't working.


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