Monday, September 11, 2006

Talk about all at once....

I just got the mail, it would appear that like all my books decided to come today because I got:

Luck in the Shadow - Lynn Flewelling
A Vision of Light - Judith Merkle Riley
The Friends of Meager Fortune - David Adams Richards
Rebel Angels - Libba Bray
The Other Side of the Bridge - Mary Lawson

All of those are from Random House. They have such great books!

Then from Amazon I got:
Tithe - Holly Black
The Goose Girl - Shannon Hale
Beauty - Robin McKinley
The Alleluia Files - Sharon Shinn
Jovah's Angel - Sharon Shinn

Good thing I didn't really start anything last night. I am on operation read all my Random House books because they all look so good, and there are more coming, so I want to get the pile down. In the meantime, I have to try and not read these pretty new Sharon Shinn books. I seriously need super human reading abilities.


  1. Oh, my gosh, I just love that kitty photo! Hope you have fun with those books when you get to them. I haven't read a single one of those titles! Isn't it loads of fun to get so many at once? I just pile them up and grin at them. Well, yeah, I read them also, eventually. :)

  2. Atra is my baby. I have to show him off every chance I get. :)

    And I started one of the books tonight at work, so I am off to a good start!


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