Monday, February 05, 2007

The Summer King by O.R. Melling

Books Completed: 21
Completion Date: February 5, 2007
Publication Year: 1999 (2004 for the 4-in-1 book)
Owned Prior to 2007
Book Two in The Golden Book of Faerie

Sequel to the critically-acclaimed The Hunter's Moon

This second book in a series "shimmering with magic, myth, and romance" (Booklist), follows sixteen-year-old Laurel as she tries to understand the cause of her twin sister's mysterious death. Honor believed in Faerie, a parallel land of mischievous immortals. Laurel doesn't. That is, until the fairies come and ask her to take up her sister's failed quest to find the Summer King, a lord who can light the midsummer fire that keeps the two worlds, human and Faerie, cleaved. Laurel must decide to help those whose cause killed her sister, and, in the process, come to believe that there is still magic-and love-in the world.

Lush descriptions of Ireland and Celtic lore make this a satisfying read for travelers to other lands, real and mythic.
To see the review for this book on Twisted Kingdom, click here

Authors Gender:
Female: 20
Male: 1

This is the second time I read this author. I read her previously year when I read the first installment in this series. You can read the review by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. I've had my eye on this but, was unsure great review now just have to find the first one :)


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