Friday, March 02, 2007

February in Review

This is the best February in history! Normally February is a very slow reading month for me, but even without the Renaissance plays of death, I did pretty good reading 18 books. It was a mostly fantasy month for me, with the majority of my steps out of that genre being for school.

The boring plays that I read for school were:
The Maiden's Tragedy
The Tragedy of Valentinian
The Spanish Tragedy
Atheist's Tragedy
The Maid's Tragedy

As I said in another post, I am not reviewing them. I do not have much love for them, and I would like to not have to think about them outside of class. On to more interesting stuff.

The most exciting read for me this month? Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs. It was not my favourite read, it was just the book I looked forward to reading the most.

Getting it out of the way quickly, not counting the plays, my least favourite read was Sula by Toni Morrison (review pending). I try! I know that she is great, but this is the second time I have read her, and I am just not her biggest fan! I do not know if I will try again.

Best new author of the month: Tough call... I think I would have to say Robin Hobb. I really liked Fool's Errand and I have another book on deck to read by her.

My favourite read of the month, though, is so hard! There were no fives, and the majority of the books were really good! I do not think I can honestly pick a favourite, sorry for the cowardly way out of not choosing! I was most disappointed by First Knight by Elizabeth Chadwick, though.

Anyways, on with the books!
Back to History Challenge, I read the very disappointed First Knight by Elizabeth Chadwick.

For the TBR challenge, I chose Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb. It has been on the pile for a while, and I am glad that I actually got around to reading it!

The Chunkster Challenge shows me reading another one of the great books by Jack Whyte. I simply love that series so far, and was very happy with book 3, The Eagle's Brood (review pending). Amazon is telling me that this book only had just over 400 pages, I seriously thought it was over 600, but I do not have the book by me to verify. I know that it was longer than 500 pages.

I finally read Heir to the Shadows, which I counted as my 12 Months of Fantasy read. I took a really long time getting around to this book, and I am so glad that I finally did! (review pending)

From the Canadian scene I counted O.R. Melling's The Summer King and The Light-Bearer's Daughter. I plan to read the last book this month as well as another Canadian book. I tried to read the fourth book right away, but I have a very hard time reading the same author right in a row.

I am also proud to announce that I finally have gotten around to reading this years Canadian Reads by finishing Children of my Heart by Gabrielle Roy. (review pending) Thanks Random House! I also read another book from them, The Silver Bough by Lisa Tuttle. That was a very interesting book!

As a result of school stuff, only seven of the books I read this month came off the TBR pile, but that is better than none! I am still seeming to read more female authors than males, which is actually unintentional. I will try to throw some more men into the mix.

The complete list for February:
Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs
An Earthly Knight by Janet Elizabeth McNaughton
The Silver Bough by Lisa Tuttle
The Summer King by O.R. Melling
The Light-Bearer's Daughter by O.R. Melling
Quinine by Fiammetta Rocco
Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb
Wing of Love by Danya Hart
Heirs to the Shadows by Anne Bishop
The Eagle's Brood by Jack Whyte
Children of my Heart by Gabrielle Roy
Sula by Toni Morrison

I will hopefully get caught up on my reviews next week and then I will link it so that all the titles go to their reviews (except the plays). I want to get it done soon because I do not want to get too far behind for next month.

If I was smart, I would pile up the books I read and take a picture instead of using the same three or four book piles over and over again...


  1. Good month! Can you remind me, what was the book that I was going to order for you on discount day...was it Caiseal Mor?

  2. Wow!! That's a lot of books to read in a month. Very impressive.

  3. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Very impressive!!! And you are in school! How do you juggle it all?

  4. Wow, this is an awesome month in review Kailana :D Hopefully, it'll keep up with the next months ;D


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