Saturday, June 09, 2007

This is Me

I really hate getting my picture taken, but just this once, I will share with lots of people what I look like. This is my 2007 university graduation picture, so that means I am 22 in the picture. If I don't look it, I am honestly not lying. I really did graduate from university and not high school. (Just covering my options, I get IDed and told I don't look like I am in my 20's all the time). The quality is because of my scanner, I don't look so... red... in the actual picture.


  1. 22! You're a young'un. I wish I was 22 again. You look adorable! Great pic.

  2. Anonymous9:33 PM

    It's a lovely photo of you. I get ID'd in the UK where the legal age is 18 and I am 27 so don't worry!

  3. Thats a nice photo- I hate having my photo taken!

  4. What a nice picture. When you are my age you'll be wishing people thought you were younger than you are!

    I also hate to have mine taken but do it every once in a while for posterity.

  5. It's a lovely photo. There's no question that looking young at 22 is awkward for getting into bars. But I've found that looking younger when you're young translates into looking young when you're older, so you may come to appreciate it later!

  6. You're so pretty and so young! I have to agree you look younger than 22. I have to say, when people tell you, you look younger, smile. As when you get to my age, you'll be wishing people always told you, you look younger than your age hehehe.

  7. Nice picture! Wait until you're in your 40's and people start calling you "ma'am"!

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    What a great pic. Congrats again on your graduation!

  9. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Congrats, and you shoudl frame this up. It's a gorgeous picture of you.


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