Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Kittens

It has been a while since I posted baby pictures, so I thought I would share some. These are some of the pictures I took the other day with my new camera. Tolkien is very hard to get a decent picture of because he does not sit still!

Baby Tolkien

Baby Atra

Baby Miko


  1. I actually love that off-center one of Tolkein. Atra - love that expression! Miko - regal face.

  2. Miko is so cute! How old are they?

  3. They are all lovely :D

  4. Miko is about three, so is Atra. They are siblings. Tolkien is still a kitten, he won't be one until the spring.

  5. They're all very cute! :)
    Looking forward to seeing more pictures from your new camera.

  6. They all have similar green eyes, it seems! Very cute ;]

  7. Ahhh, they're all so beautiful!

  8. Awwww! Miko looks particularly sweet.

  9. oh i love these pics! gorrrgeous cats! quite regal actually!

  10. oh i love these pics! gorrrgeous cats! quite regal actually!

  11. looking at them again now, they actually look so naughty...!


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