Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Meme to Waste Time

I started this meme at work. The point is to waste time... Anyways, I cannot think of ones for all the slots, but it is more because it is 5:30 in the morning and my mind is asleep! I will fill in the rest when I get off work.

Allende, Isabel -- Daughter of Time
Briggs, Patricia-- Moon Called
Carroll, Susan--The Dark Queen
Dickens, Charles--Great Expectations
Eugenides, Jeffrey--Middlesex
Franklin, Ariana--The Mistress of the Art of Death
Gaiman, Neil -- Stardust
Hobb, Robin -- Fool's Errand
Iggulden, Conn--Wolf of the Plains
Jones, Diana Wynne--Fire and Hemlock
Kay, Susan--Phantom
Lewis, C.S. -- Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe (A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle)
Montgomery, Lucy Maud--Anne of Green Gables
Nolan, Stephanie--28: Stories of AIDs in Africa
Ondaatje, Michael--Diversadero
Penman, Sharon Kay--The Sunne in Splendour
Quindlen, Anna--Black & Blue
Rollins, James--Amazonia
Snyder, Maria--Poison Study
Tolkien, J.R.R. -- Lord of the Rings
Valente, Catherynne--In the Night Garden
Weis, Margaret --Dragons of the Autumn Twilight
Yolen, Jane--Briar Rose

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