Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Anyone have any big plans for the evening? I did, but now we are supposed to have a blizzard! So, I have no idea what I am doing. I was really looking forward to tonight, too, so this is not a very cheery thought. The last part of 2008 was not very great for me, so I was hoping to start 2009 off right. That being said, 2008 started off really well and then sort of fizzled. Maybe it is better if you start the year off snowed in?

Anyway, because I am feeling rather uncheery right now, I am going to see if I can come up with a list of good things about 2008.

1. Trip to Lunenburg. I went to Lunenburg in August with the charming comedian and we actually had a really good time! It is not exactly an exotic trip location (well, for me anyway), but it was nice to get away and spend some time together! We still bring it up and talk about the things that we did, so I am happy with it... Which leads to number two...

2. Finally getting to go for a ride on the Bluenose Schooner. I have taken the tour a bunch of times, but I could never find anyone to go with me! The charming comedian had gone before, but he agreed to go again. I wish it had been a nicer day, but this was something I can cross off the list of 'Things I Wanted to Experience in Life'.

3. Going to Cape Breton. I am not very close to my mother's family. I only see them every few years, so, it was actually pretty nice to get away and see them all. Will they ever return the favour? Probably not. Have we started talking a lot more since? Nope! For that one weekend, though, we acted like we were related, so it was nice. I have my memories, and since my grandfather is not getting any younger, it is very possible that I will never see him again.

4. Reunion of Friends. One of my best friends came home from Alberta this summer and I went to my home town and visited for three days. When I was there, I saw her and two of my other really good friends. Then, we ended up meeting up in Halifax at a later date while she was home. One of the other people from the home town visit was there and then another one of the group. If you are not following, there are five of us (including me) and that was the closest we have been to all being together in years. I am hoping next time we might be able to coordinate five...

5. The funny stories. As I have said countless times... the charming comedian is really random and says the strangest things! I honestly don't think I have laughed as much as I have laughed this year! He said something last night (which could have been taken several ways) and he said 'Thank god you have a sense of humour!' In other words, I chose to laugh at it. I have to say, the chair breaking was by far one of my best memories of the year. I wasn't there for it, but the story... We have been chair browsing lately, and, I have to admit, I can't help but giggle when he is weighing the different options!

6. My cellphone. I swore I would never get one, but I did, and I have to say that despite the fact that it is a piece of junk and keeps breaking on me, I am glad I got it. Through text-messaging, I have reconnected with people that I haven't talked to in years. I still am not a big fan of it, but it serves its purpose.

7. Just Us! Mexican Morning coffee. I am not a big coffee drinker, but I had that earlier in the year and now I love it! And, it is Fair Trade coffee, which is always a good thing.

8. Good television shows. This year I watched all the seasons of Soap. That show went downhill, but it was funny in the first couple seasons! I finally got around to watching Heroes. I will probably be watching the second season soon. Rome. I always saw bits and pieces of that when it was on, so I was happy to watch the first season from start to finish. I was very happy to find out today that I also have the second season, so I will be interested to see where they go! Then, there are shows I have liked all along: CSI, House, and NCIS.

9. All the people I have met this year. I work in the customer service industry so I am always meeting new people. It is the best thing about my job!

10. Reading and blogging. I was rather slack in both this year, but what I did accomplish was great! I also enjoyed meeting new bloggers and getting to know ones I have known for a while better.

Okay, that was actually really hard! I suppose a given one is friends and family. Now, I have to go see if I can rouse the charming comedian (it's 1 in the afternoon) and figure out what I am doing tonight!



  1. Happy New Year to you too Kelly! Sounds like 2008 was a year of ups and downs for many people. I'm glad to see all of those good things though!! Whatever you end up doing tonight, have fun :)

  2. Thanks Chris! I just emailed you, actually. ha ha.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year! I am another one that is not sorry to see 2008 out the door! Let's hope 2009 is a lot better for all of us.

  4. Amy: Sounds good to me!

  5. Happy New Year, Kelly! I hope 2009 is a great year for you.

  6. Happy New Year Kelly! I'm in the same boat as you this year. We had plans but it's too cold and snowy to go to the free concert at the Falls so now we're staying home and doing nothing as far as I can tell.

  7. Happy New Year to you too, Nymeth!

    Nicola: I still don't know what is going on. Maybe nothing. Have to wait and see!

  8. Happy New Year, Kelly! We're just staying home, fixing nachos, and watching a movie tonight. I've enjoyed your blog and getting to know you this year... And like the Charming Comedian, I enjoy your sense of humor, too! Best wishes for a really good 2009!

  9. Happy New Year to you too, Kelly!

    My husband and the furkids brought the New Year in quietly. I haven't managed to make it to bet yet as I try to play a little catch up in the blogosphere. It's so good to visit with you again!

    I enjoyed reading your list. I should try doing this when I'm feeling less than happy with life. :-)

  10. Robin: I was talking to the charming comedian when I read your post, so then I had to show him what you were talking about... That meant I forgot to reply to you in the end! I have enjoyed getting to know you lately, too! I hope you have a happy 2009! I am glad people enjoy my funny stories... I might have to tell more of them!

    L.F.: Me and the charming comedian ended up having a couple drinks of vodka and watching some old movies. It's a mess out there and I have to work this morning, so I got about 4 hours (if that) sleep and now I am waiting for a taxi to take me to work. It will take like two hours to get my car out... I am so glad you stopped by! I was surprised to see all of your comments because it had been a while since I remember you commenting.

  11. yep, sometimes it's hard to remember the good times.... but once you've written them down and sit back and look at them.. things feel a little better after all..

    happy new year again Kelly..

  12. Pat: It was hard at first, but once my mind got going I thought of a few things. The thought for this morning is that a snowstorm/blizzard to start things off is not a good start to the new year!

    Happy New Year to you again, too!

  13. Hi Kailana,

    Happy New Year 2009 to you! :)

  14. Hi Josette,

    Happy New Year to you, too!

  15. Happy 2009 to you too!

  16. Thanks for stopping by, Tink!


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