Monday, February 09, 2009

Bad Bloggers Take Two

I am on my way to the library to pick up four books (which will bring my library check-outs up to 9) and I thought I would do bad bloggers now before I forget!

So, I have to pick up:

Black Ships by Jo Graham - I totally couldn't remember where I heard about this book, but then it dawned on me! Sarah from Reading the Past. She never reviewed it, but when she mentioned the sequel she said that she highly recommended it, so on the wish list it did go!

The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart - I have seen lots of reviews of this book, but I think it was Sassymonkey (Karen) that inpired me to add it to the wish list!

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld - I am blaming Westerfeld on Carl. You see, he told me to read his short story in The Starry Rift anthology. I ended up loving the story, so that lead to me adding books by Westerfeld to my wish list. So, even though Carl has not read this book, it is all traced back to him. (You should read Westerfeld, Carl.)

Voices by Ursula K. Le Guin - Nymeth! I see that Nymeth is a bad influence on lots of readers. So, don't take this the wrong way, Nymeth, but I am happy you are not the over-whelming winner so far (though that might change). It just shows that there is some variety in my reading, right? Did that come out bad...

Also, in the mail last week I received the five books in the Kitty Norvick series from the publisher! Yay! I already read the first one, and I think I am going to really enjoy the series.


  1. lol, don't worry, it didn't come out out bad at all. I'm more than happy with blame being sent other people's way :P

  2. Okay, good. I was trying to be polite, but did you read my 25 things meme? I don't always do polite very well. ha ha!

  3. Anonymous10:36 PM

    You'll definitely enjoy both Pretties and Mysterious Benedict Society! :)

  4. Good to know, Court. There is a chance that you might have been an influencing factor in them, too! I really need to write down where I find books!

  5. I really REALLY want to read the Westerfield series now...I'll have to see if they have it at my new favorite place, the library, the giver of free books, next time I go :)

  6. Chris: I am looking forwar to reading book two as soon as I finish what I am reading.

  7. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Yeah, Sassymonkey inspired me to read The Mysterious Benedict Society too! I will be posting my review of it shortly.

  8. Stephanie: I look forward to your review! I haven't even cracked the spine of it yet, but I plan to soon!

  9. I've only read Uglies even though I really, really loved it, I haven't managed to pick up any of the others.

  10. I have Pretties here to read soon!


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