Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Annoying Thing About Libraries...

I have come to use my library a great deal, so it isn't terrible, but sometimes their method entirely baffles me! I just read Chobits Vol. 1 by Clamp (a manga) and I was trying to figure out why I only requested the one book... Uh, yeah, because there are eight books in the series and the library only has seven of them! That's so annoying! That's just one instance, of course. So, now in order to read the series in its entirety I need to track down a copy of volume 2! Any suggestions? I don't really want to buy one lone copy of the series.


  1. Is your library part of a statewide system? Here in Rhode Island, I can ask for books from any other library in the state, and they arrive at my branch in two or three days...

  2. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I know how you feel. I was reading a series that our library had all but the second book. None of the other libraries in the county had it either. I ended up getting it at a used book store. I also try paperbackswap sometimes too.

  3. Charlotte: I can request books from other libraries, but I am still waiting for books I requested that way back in January! It is not the quickest method ever!

    Debbie: Yeah, I don't know why they do that. You'd think they would try to have the whole set, even if it is spread across a couple libraries.

  4. bookstores do the same thing especially when the books are out in paperback.. if there are 5 to the series they have 3.. it a trilogy they have but 2... total frustration

  5. I hate it when that happens. I think it is slowly getting a less frequent occurence but it still annoys me no end when it does!

  6. Gah, that is frustrating :/ I wonder if they used to have volume 2 but it got lost or something.

  7. Deslily: Yes, that annoys me about bookstores, too!

    Marg: Yeah, I don't know how often it happens at this library. I just noticed it for this series at the moment.

    Nymeth: That's probably what happened. Someone probably didn't return it for whatever reason.

  8. I use our library's interlibrary loan system, too, but it takes A LOT longer for the books to arrive than Charlotte's. Maybe because I request several books at a time, and they come from libraries all over the state. It is as if they wait to get them all together before sending them.

    Anyway, I hope you get Vol. 2 and understand your frustration!

  9. Jen: Yeah, I will just have to cross my fingers it appears! It does take forever, though. Fun stuff.

  10. Oh that's nothing! My library is horrible about getting one of the books in the middle of a series and never getting the earlier ones. Sometimes they don't even get the later releases either! Drives me bonkers! I can't complain too much since they do have a pretty good selection regardless.

  11. Tink: Mine has done that too. Makes no sense to me! I like to read the whole series of books... It's also annoying when they have the earlier books and don't have the later ones or vice versa.

  12. I hate it when that happens and I always ask myself why? Who is doing the ordering? Don't they know there are more than 7 books in this series!!! Come on people!!

  13. Staci: It makes me hesitate to start series because if I get caught up in them, I might not be able to finish them!


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