Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bad Bloggers - Take Seven

Well, as if I wasn't already really behind with my blog posts, the weekend sort of threw everything off. I am going to have my Graphic Novel Weekend this coming weekend instead. It is a good method to catch-up on reviews! Anyway, thanks to everyone for your well-wishes. The funeral is not until April 7th because my mother does not return from her cruise until the 1st. My grandmother is going to be coming to stay with me for a few days next week, though, so that will likely mean another disappearing act! My uncle said for me to try and keep her distracted. That should be interesting... He's coming home on the 3rd. The circumstances are not the best, but he hasn't been home in forever! A fact he is celebrating by coming in at an ungodly hour and then mentioning someone has to come pick him up!

I did manage to pop into the library, though! Are we surprised?

I got:

Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan - Point for Nymeth.

The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld - I don't think I have ever seen a review of this one...

Changeling by Delia Sherman - I can't remember.

Embroideries by Marjane Satrapi - The only book by her I don't own. Read it in the parking lot of the mall yesterday while I was stuck waiting for the charming comedian... Don't have to own it!

The Dragon's Lair by Elizabeth Haydon - Point for Deslily.


  1. I heard great things about every book. I bought Tender Morsels because of Nymeth too!

  2. Wonder just how many copies of Tender Morsels have been bought solely because of Nymeth's review...gotta be in the double digits.

  3. I had been planning on reading Tender Morsels anyway, but I moved it up the library list because of Nymeth. :)

  4. Last Days is a fun novel. (Not my favorite Westerfeld, perhaps, but it is enjoyable!)

  5. I need to get my hands on The Last Days, preferably while Peeps is still fresh in my mind!

  6. the Dragons Lair?! geez Kelly you are really reaching for those points! lol.. I read that looooooong ago!... i'll have to give you points for having a long memory! lol

  7. I can imagine that the next few weeks will be a bit crazy with everything going on but hopefully books will help comfort and distract you a bit.

    Glad you got some goodies at the library to help with the distraction :)

  8. Becky: Well, I liked Uglies more than Peeps to begin with.

    Nymeth: I will let you know what I think of it because it will take me forever to review it!

    Deslily: lol Well, I am reading the trilogy as one right after each other as I can...

    Iliana: Thanks! Books are good distractions. :)

  9. Oooh, I have Tender MOrsels out too! And I know I mentioned Changeling by Delia Sherman (I picked it up around Christmas), but I believe someone did review it last year. Can't remember who yet, and I still have to read my copy.

    I'm sorry about your great-grahdmother's death. 101! She had quite a life, didn't she?

  10. Susan: Changeling and Tender Morsels both look good. Hopefully I get a chance to read them soon!

    And, yes, 101 is pretty impressive!

  11. I might be to blame for Changeling :) Hope you like it as much as I did!

  12. Tink: Yes! It was you. I remember now! I really really like the cover. It is not due back to the library until April, and I have several books due back in March, but I keep picking it up!


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