Reason for Reading: Once Upon a Time Challenge III, 2nd Canadian Challenge, Really need to read more from this author.
High school senior Miguel's life is turned upside down when he meets new girl Lainey, whose family has just moved from Australia. With her tumbled red-gold hair, her instant understanding of who he is, and her unusual dog-a real Australian dingo-she's unforgettable. And, as he quickly learns, she is on the run from an ancient bargain made by her ancestors. There's no question that Miguel will do whatever he can to help her-but what price will each of them have to pay? Dingo is quintessential Charles de Lint, set close to his beloved, invented city of Newford-a mixture of darkness and hope, humor and mystery, and the friendship within love.
Title and author of book: Dingo by Charles de Lint
Fiction or non-fiction? Genre? Young adult fantasy.
What led you to pick up this book? I figured that if I wanted to get through de Lint's backlist, I should work on his young adult novels first because they were shorter and would make me feel accomplished!
Summarize the plot, but don’t give away the ending! See above...
What did you like most about the book? How you read this book and you could feel Australia in it. It is a fantasy novel, so lots of things that threaten belief happen, but deLint pulls it off in such a way that it feels believable. Lainey is from Australia in the novel, while Miguel is from near deLint's fictional town of Newford. I don't know a lot about Australia, but this book seems to incorporate some of the mythology from there. The dingo is an Australian animal which plays a big role in this novel.
What did you like least? You know, nothing really is jumping out at me here. I didn't love the book, but it was enjoyable. The problem is that it has been a couple months since I read it! The fact that nothing is immediately jumping to mind means that the book didn't have a lot of major flaws. Anything I didn't like about it was minor and forgettable. This is why I should review books in a more timely manner!
Have you read any other books by this author? What did you think of those books? I first read de Lint years ago! It was Jack, the Giant Killer and I didn't like it! For years I would look at his pretty books at the store (he always has nice covers), but just couldn't get over my extreme dislike of that first book! That's how much I hated it! (I wonder if I would think the same now?) Anyway, I guess it was book-blogging that led me to read him again. Now I have read The Onion Girl and The Blue Girl. I enjoyed both of them and have decided to start reading his backlist. I have books by him at home, but for some reason I have been reading ones I don't have and have to get from the library. Who knows why!
What did you think of the main character? Oh! I remember something I didn't like! The main character was kind of annoying. He was competant, but sometimes his immaturity grated on my nerves. I have issues with young narrators... I think I want them to think like adults. I know that is not logical, but that's how I think!
What about the ending? The ending was fine... I really hate this question because I don't want to give anything away! I mean, telling how a book ends is a rather big spoiler. I didn't love the ending, but any more details would give too much away!
Another good de Lint novel! I am glad I got over my dislike of him... Now, to find time to read more!
Other Reviews:
Teen Book Review: "Charles de Lint’s latest novel, Dingo, is certainly good, but it was less wonderful than I expected. Worth reading for fans? Yes. But if you haven’t read anything of his, don’t start with this, or you’ll have an unfairly low opinion of his talent (my favorite book of is is The Blue Girl)."
Rhinoa's Ramblings: "A beautiful mixture of myth and fantasy that de Lint is famous for. Honestly though it is not my favourite of his novels so far. I think looking back that it is because the narrator is male. Funnily enough he seems to write his female characters more realistic and understandable than his male ones."
Becky's Book Reviews: "Everything about this novel--the characters, the plot, the language--is well done. I can't think of a single flaw. I can't really get into what I liked most about the characters, but I can say this. They were complex. Definitely interesting to read about, to care about."
Books & other thoughts: "I enjoyed this YA novel, as I do all of Charles de Lint's books. I love the way he weaves mythology with contemporary life, the magical with the commonplace."
In Spring it is the Dawn: "I kind of wished the story and characters had been fleshed out more so it would last longer, and I did find the writing a bit straightforward and juvenile, but it was still a very fun introduction to the imagination of de Lint."
Anyone else?
I've actually been meaning to read his Jack the Giant Killer since it's part of the Fairy Tale series. I hope I don't hate it!
ReplyDeleteI just finished a de Lint myself. I should give this one a go!
ReplyDeleteI've yet to read a de Lint novel but I'm planning to read The Onion Girl for the OUaT challenge. I am looking forward to it. Oh yes, and this one goes on the list :)
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks for linking to my review. This was my first deLint but I've got a couple more now that I'm looking forward to reading as well.
ReplyDeleteInteresting review. I've seen this book other places, but I just haven't decided whether it really sounds interesting to me or not. I feel like I would probably be iffy about it.
ReplyDeleteI really like your format of review! I've enjoyed reading Dingo a while ago. That's just about the only de Lint book that I've read.
ReplyDeleteLiyana: Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAna: I should reread that, but I think I got rid of my copy...
Marg: What one did you read?
Iliana: I hope you enjoy de Lint! I look forward to your review. I really liked The Onion Girl.
Nat: I hope you enjoy the other de Lints that you read. :)
Kim: It's not my favourite de Lint so far. Maybe read others and then backtrack to this? :)
Alice: Thanks! You need to read more de Lint.