Thursday, June 18, 2009

Friday Friends - Week Four

Okay, so I didn't have much blogging time this week... Sorry! Here is this weeks picks for Friday Friends. I was supposed to have a button, but I haven't actually answered Nymeth and she asked me what I wanted a week ago. Oops! Next week!

Aarti from Booklust - Aarti is a online friend that I have known since before she started blogging. She had a quiet year last year, but her blog has been pretty active so far this one. She reads a good assortment of books, but mainly fantasy and historical fiction. You can probably tell why we are friends! I have many books on my TBR pile that I can trace back to Aarti. She has great taste in books and is a really nice person. Everyone should visit her blog.

Darla D. from Books & other thoughts: This is a blog that I just started reading recently. I have no idea how I missed it! I consider Darla one of my newly discovered reading twins. She has such great taste in books and is doing terrible things to my wish list! We have also read a lot of the same books and we generally seem to have the same taste. I am very happy that I have started reading this blog, it has been worth it!

Leila from Bookshelves of Doom - A very awesome blog that mainly centres around young adult. I think I have been reading this blog for quite some time, but I don't comment all that often. She is who is to 'blame' for me reading Melissa Marr, though, and she has led to lots of other books being added to my wish list. She is also a really fun blogger, so her posts are always entertaining in some capacity. A great blog to read!

Naida from the bookworm - I am not sure what led me to reading Naida's blog, but she is yet another one that I think I have only started reading regularly recently. She just got a new puppy and the posts about him are very enjoyable! She also talks about books, of course, but since most of the blogs showcased are book blogs, I feel I should try and find something else to talk about once in a while!

Bookwormom - A delightful blog that I think I probably started reading because of the Advent Calendar... I think? I had read her blog off and on before, but I think I only started reading it regularly this year. Another blogger that enjoys fantasy, so it was natural that I stuck around. Everyone that reads my blog should read hers because in her profile she says: "She who dies with the most books wins!" I love that, so fitting, huh? I also wish it was true... It would get rid of some of the guilt!

Katrina from Callapidder Days - A couple years back I participated in the 'Spring Reading Thing', which Katrina hosts. I haven't participated the last couple years, but I still read her blog! I have to laugh because her son actually comments on her blog when it becomes quiet. I need someone to inspire me to post sometimes! She writes about a lot of different things. I really enjoy her blog! Maybe I should do the Spring Reading Thing next year? Almost done for this year, hope everyone met their goals and/or had fun!

Wendy from Caribousmom - I think I was drawn to this blog in the beginning because of our shared love of dogs, but it also could be because of the Themed Reading Challenge. Do you know I am in that challenge this year and I entirely forgot about it until right this moment? Oops! Anyway, sadly Caribou passed away, but she has a new puppy that is so cute. It makes me want a dog! (The cc doesn't agree...) She also posts great reviews and posts about other shiny book related things. A blog that you should be reading if you are not already!

Deb from Chappysmom - I can't even remember how I came across this blog, but I have been reading it forever! It was her monthly reading posts that got me interested because she read so much! I owe so many books to Deb, so I am a big fan of her reading! She is also a dog lover, so that's always a good thing. She posts pretty much everyday and it is always something interesting. I am not a big fan of knitting and other things along that line, but I still enjoy reading her posts!

Charlotte from Charlotte's Library - I started reading this blog because she commented on mine and I stuck around! She reads a lot of books that I want to read, so she is always good for recommendations. Yes, another fantasy fan! I am a big fantasy reader, okay? She posts regularly, which is more than I can say sometimes, and she always has content that you want to read about! If you aren't reading her blog, you should give it a try!

Clare from Confessions of Book Addict - Clare is another blogger that I have known forever! She is a huge fantasy fan and I know that I have read tonnes of books because of her! Back when I first met her she gave me a list of authors to try, so I know that reading Anne Bishop dates back to her. Her reviews, because she has a blog now, continue to add to my pile! I am always so excited when I see a new post from her. It might not always be something I want to read, but more often than not it is. She is another reading twin and another really nice person!


  1. This is such a nice Friday post, Kailana. I visit some of these blogs, but some are new to me. I look forward to visiting them all.

  2. thanks Kelly.. I had fun visiting the blogs, none of which I knew before!

  3. Thanks for the kind words, and thanks for giving me new blogs to enjoy!

  4. What a lovely Friday post! Thank you so much for the link-love and all your kind words :) I enjoy visiting your blog too!!!

  5. Thank you, Kelly! I really enjoy your Friday posts, and look forward to all the new blogs in there for me to check out. Thanks for your kind words. I didn't realize we have been friends since before I started blogging! Geez, it's been years now ;-)

  6. Booklogged: I hope you enjoy them!

    Pat: You're welcome! Happy to be of service.

    Charlotte: You're welcome!

    Wendy: I am glad you enjoy my blog, too! haha!

    Aarti: I thought we had been, but you never know, I could be wrong!

  7. Hmm...lots of links to check out. Thanks! Love your previous music post, by the way.

  8. Thanks so much for saying such nice things about my blog! I agree - we are definitely reading twins, and ditto for my TBR list!

  9. Julia: You were on the list a couple weeks ago.

    Darla: I am happy you agree!


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