Wednesday, July 08, 2009

This is why you should have good customer service...


  1. ROTFLMAO!!! Thanks for posting that, Kelly! I needed the laugh. :)

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Wow that was some elaborate complaint! haha

  3. Haha, loved that. (Also: I totally saw that band in concert last summer!)

  4. That's great! And after reading the story behind it, I hope they get their million views!

  5. I heard about this video on the news this morning...guess United needs to think a bit more about how it treats customers

  6. Now that is a complaint. (It was hilarious until I read the story behind it. It's still a fun song, but has a much sadder undertone now.) I really hope they get their million views and that United learns something from this.

  7. And to think I liked United better than some of the other airlines. I guess that is why I always only use carry on luggage:-)

  8. I've had this song in my head since I watched it the other day. I hope they get their revenge!

  9. That is awesome, thanks for posting it. I need to go read the story now.

  10. Nancy: I am glad you enjoyed it!

    alwaysdream: I think it is great. :)

    Court: I have not, but now I want to!

    Debi: Me too!

    Serena: For sure!

    Mom: Yep.

    Vanessa: Me too! It's catchy. lol

    Lisa: Welcome!

  11. I heard earlier today that United has contacted him and offered to replace the guitar and has also asked if they can use the video for training purposes. I am glad his song proved to be effective. Hopefully they learned their lesson!


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