Friday, August 21, 2009

The Truth Comes Out

Okay... I wasn't going to blog about this because other than stupid stories that really mean nothing, I don't really talk about my personal life on my blog anymore. The thing is... what I am about to tell you is what is on my mind lately, and it is making it really hard to blog. I was going to write a review, and maybe I will schedule one for later, but for now... Me and the charming comedian broke-up. It's been almost 2 weeks now. That means we were not together for the really nice post I wrote about him on Monday... I'm not going to get into details because, really, I am still trying to figure things out myself.

That's all for now.


  1. Like I said, I'll come up and kick his butt if it would make you feel better!! I'm sorry you are going through this, though. I know it's rough on you.

  2. I'm really sorry to hear this and hope you feel better about it all very soon.

  3. I'm really sorry Kelly :( I knew something was up and was hoping it wasn't this :( I know how rough that is...Let me know if you need anything or if you just need to talk. I'm still just kind of lurking on blogs right now, but I'm here if you need to talk.

  4. I'm so sorry Kailana... My heart goes out to you. Take time for yourself and give yourself time to recover, times like this are really rough. Thinking of you, hugs, Joanna

  5. i'm sorry to hear you broke up Kelly I hope, (if it's what you want) that you two can work things out.. if not.. it's his loss.

  6. Kelly, again, if you need to talk, you've got my phone number. Are you doing any better? Sending big mental hugs your way.

  7. *hugs* I'll go over with Stephanie and help!

  8. Anonymous7:38 AM

    oh no! that's terrible! i'm so sorry :(

  9. I hope you can get it all figured out soon, and I hope you feel better. :(

  10. Sorry to hear about the breakup...lets hope escaping into some books will help.

  11. I'm sorry to hear this. Lots of hugs!!

  12. I'm sorry, Kelly. It sucks, without a doubt. I'll keep you in my thoughts.


  13. *hugs* I'm so sorry.

  14. I'm sorry, a breakup sucks no matter what else is going on.

  15. You know that I am here for you when we can get the timing right! Thinking of you at this time.

  16. Anonymous5:34 PM

    *hugs* I'm so sorry to hear that! You'll be in my thoughts, sweetie. (And as Joanna said, take time out for you and for recovery. *sends good vibes*)

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about this. I'm sending hugs your way... *HUGS*

  18. ((((Kailana)))) Sending good wishes your way.


  19. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I hope you're doing ok. Drop me an email if you need to talk and I am up for helping out Stephanie if you need me to :)

  20. Oh I'm so sorry to hear about this :( Hoping things work out for you ((hugs))


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